Issue 9: January 2023

Photo of Bristlecone Pine on Mount Blue Sky

Photo by Sandra S. McRae

Poems by
Beth Franklin, Erica Hoffmeister, Karla Johnson,
Marcia Jones, Donald Levering, Jessy Randall, and Tim Raphael

© 2023 Bristlecone


Bristlecone welcomes poems from writers of the Mountain West region. The editors are especially eager to read poems that reflect the region’s various cultures and landscapes, although we have no restrictions in mind regarding subject matter. Our main concerns are with the quality of the work and the cultivation of a regional community of poets and poetry lovers.

Submissions are accepted year-round. Please adhere to all of the following guidelines:

  • Submit 3 to 5 unpublished poems in a single Word attachment (no poems in the body of an email) to: Submissions with more than 5 poems will not be considered.
  • Poems posted on blogs and social media are considered published. Simultaneous submissions are fine as long as you let us know right away if the work is accepted elsewhere.
  • Use a header on at least the first page of your submission that includes your:
  • Name as you wish it to appear in the journal
  • Mailing address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Website address (if you have one)
  • Phone number
  • Submission should be in .doc or .docx file format (no .rtf or .pdf)
  • Times New Roman 12 pt. font—titles in bold and not all caps
  • Flush left alignment except for drop-lines, internal spaces within lines, and any other special formatting your poem requires
  • 100-word maximum bio at the end of the submission; same guideline for translator bio(s). Feel free to provide live links to your website.

After publication, all rights revert to the individual Bristlecone authors. We consider simultaneous submissions but please let us know immediately if something you’ve submitted to us has been accepted elsewhere.

The Editors: Joseph Hutchison, Jim Keller, Sandra S. McRae, and Murray Moulding

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Beth Franklin

Ghazal in the Land of Love

In the land of love, my heart got broken,
seven times seven times seven every time.

Scarlet dinner-plate hibiscus, one day alive, 
droop, fall to the ground, at evening time. 

Stones placed over daughter bones, press mother 
and grandmother bones, marking ancestral time.

Worn out typewriter keys craft poem
after poem, beating wildly to love time. 

La Malinche
, indigenous traitor from pre-colonial time, 
transforms to hero, Chicana icon, in post-colonial time.

A wheelchair, four walkers, a radiation mask upside down 
on a garage hook, prolong mourning time.

A framed photograph, the groom’s gray tweed suit, 
the bride’s white pleated dress, begin a lifetime.

Orange slices, delicately arranged on a blue plate,
first painted with watercolor, then eaten one at a time.

A thin mattress from the hospice bed, tossed
into a red dumpster; a breath taken. Last time.

“A Throw of the Dice”

This last time, 
I walk around the ponds a few blocks 
from our house, sold and empty.
Until today, a walk taken daily.

A bald eagle rests high on a cottonwood branch, 
in undergrowth, geese surround their goslings, protective.
A gray heron, hidden among cattails, stands rigid.
Red-winged blackbirds balance, trilling, on single stalks.

Did you know he smoked waiting for you?
What did you think would happen when you married an older man?
Why are you always with other widows?

The snow dustings on the iced-over ponds invent geometric patterns.
Rabbitbrush sleeps, not yet its late summer yellow.               
Fields of blue flax will flower to the left of the path.
Serviceberry, with withered fruit clusters, will bloom purple in June.

I carry my father’s prayer card,
the last line from the Irish blessing soothes: 
Until we meet again may God hold you
in the hollow of his hand.

You, drum major extraordinaire, 
melodious voice on the human stage of poetry
swing dancer, jiver, string bass jazz musician. 
And the quiet you, gazer of trees, rocks and rivers.
Bagpipes. Heard that first time in an Inverness bar. 
We stood with the raucous Scottish crowd singing    
their beloved Anthem, music played at your final 
Celebration of Life.

A photo taken by my oldest friend forty years ago—gifted to me
when she came to say a final goodbye—shows me reading
Mallarme’s “A Throw of the Dice.”  Blossoms are
everywhere on my walk.

Why do you write about cancer?
Why do you paint yellow coneflowers on the edge of the river 
at the cabin?

Sometimes a Beauty, Sometimes a Beast

“Ask the wild bees what the Druids knew.”

When my mother died, they found 
an aerogram written to my Irish-American
grandmother. 20, in Madrid, writing

about discothèque dancing with Spanish
architecture students late into the night, 
learning a lot, nice people, thanks for the $10.

A clipping from the Indy Star, quotes me—
Purdue co-ed—questioning her American culture 
and values. Aerogram and newspaper clipping, 

saved evidence of a mother’s and grandmother’s 
pride for a young woman who left home 
for distant adventures.

My seven-year-old niece, a Halloween Disney Belle,
revels in her floor-length yellow satin dress, 
jeweled tiara, matching gloves, sparkling earrings. 

With her mother’s makeup in hand, she requests 
a heart crown painted on her forehead. Now tattooed,
the young princess waltzes through the living room. 

I paint a watercolor of a green apple with two leaves 
casting a shadow on the journal page. I feel 
the rounded apple in my body. My dancing niece 

grabs the gymnastic rings hanging from the kitchen 
ceiling, her backflip turning her princess dress 
inside out. Eating an apple, I watch her.

She tells me she loves apples, sliced thin as wafers.
With a somersault she gains momentum,  
pausing midair, legs straight up.

Beth Franklin, poet, painter, is the Executive Director of the Colorado Poets Center. In her role as Director, Franklin coordinates and sponsors in-person and virtual poetry readings; the Robert W. King Poetry Prize, a yearly contest for the high school students in the Greeley-Evans School District 6; and publishes The Colorado Poet newsletter. She is professor emerita at the University of Northern Colorado, where she prepared pre-service teachers in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education. A passionate believer in the importance of poetry, Franklin is dedicated to developing and supporting local and global poetry projects. She lives in Boulder, Colorado.

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Erica Hoffmeister

Dandelion Heart

I want one-hundred legs
instead of these unreliable two.

A centipede in its stop-sudden mirage of fright 
landscaping dandelions for what they are: resilient 
medicinal, caught between concrete domesticity and 
rebellion entrenched in slow-moving ferality.

I want to be a horror show: my body
amazing in the most traditional definition.
Flowing in rhythmic patterns, tidal, near-
villainous, terrifying those in my path 
simply by moving in my strange, alien 
existence, earthly existence, scurrying 
and parting waves of humanity in my wake 
over pavement, through small gardens and
damp soil. 

I wonder where centipedes go after the march of terror 
commences. I wonder if their families hug with two legs, 
or all one hundred. If, like my mother, who needs 
all parts of her body to love, they 
smother their children with one-hundred 
little feet, or hands, or whatever limbs 
attach themselves to sectional parts of entity.

My two legs that carry this body: my inability 
to move my segments in sync—my self 
always twisting from its center, limbs flailing 
against harsh concrete, man-
made obstructions.

Horror show, dandelion heart. Ordinary.
Someone always mistaking me for a laid plans

This is not a poem about the sweet scent of orange blossoms
drifting through bright blue skies of childhood memory,
the soft-petaled magnolia leaves, my mother’s jasmine 

This is not about the ocean’s whisper, my salt-stuck curls
or the best breakfast burrito in town

This is not about my appendages ripped from their sockets 
and tossed into farther corners of once-possibility, my torso 
held hostage against Colorado’s snow drifts

my teenage-era locked door, my mother and I’s shared room, 
a year spent mostly sprawled across my best friend’s sofa, 
her legs translucent white

This is a poem about a hallway always occupied, the soothing hum 
of chaos, park birthday parties filled with cousin-limbs and sibling 
jokes: that time my brother drank too much on Halloween, my sisters’ twin giggles,
a knife always at her hip to heat and cauterize my open wounds

my nephew’s curly blonde hair, my mother’s wisdom, a double helix blue 
and citrus wax candle to light when this mountain range partition 
annexes our connected sky, a tiny flame 
held against my chest’s permafrost

It’s when I say that Las Vegas is my favorite city, remember glass shards 
sparkling in the street, hands splayed out of fast-driving windows
under a sky that cracks open on a regular Monday morning. 
I sprout citrus appendages on tilled soil, a beautiful comeback, an
unremarkable origin story

This is a poem about truth-dreams that ache my bones each night
at 4am, awaken and descend into a disorienting free dive, 
the conversation I never had with my husband 
hallucinating desert depths 

A cataclysmic variable—
binary star systems that merge and rotate into
a death spiral until they explode and die

they must exist together 
or not at all

Erica Hoffmeister is a rambling soul from Southern California who now lives in Denver, where she teaches college writing. She is the author of two poetry collections: Lived in Bars (Stubborn Mule Press, 2019) and Roots Grew Wild (Kingdoms in the Wild Press, 2019), but considers herself a cross-genre writer. Learn more at

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Karla Johnson

Gertrude’s Maid

Maid had sloughed out of her starched

white manners
white cleanin costume and 
white-world stance of
high alert watchin

Babys’ heads were pressed
dresses unmessed 
curlers set
so the mornin’s style could be 
blessed and ready to bear sweat
in worship tomorrow.

Maid’s now home with
sisters at the table tappin
whist cards slappin
raucous freedom boomin 
through lit cigs on lips, smoke curlin 
up, a cloud of relief from the day.

Sisters were knowin
how washerwomen
got recruited  
to be witnessin 
the Nordic antics
of the dirtied white rooms of 
gained wages.

Sisters at the table
of Maid
wait she said what
hold up she made you listen to what
naw what
sisters hopin
for a story from the famous woman’s lair.

Gurl, Maid said to the sisters, 
choosing a card and tossin
she was callin
it poetry
I’m tryna get home
paid time done and feet be achin
and she makin
me stand there and listenin
like she got somethin

Maid’s cig moved from lip to hand for the
spinnin of a 
Nordic-mocking recitation 
Exactly do they do
First exactly.
Exactly do they do.
First exactly.

Maid now hollerin
because sisters 
on knees and backs
the funny too strong and
laughter too big to do it just sittin

And first exactly.
Exactly do they do.
And first exactly and exactly.
And do they do.
And shee-bee-bop dippity doo

Gurl, Maid said shoutin
over the shared laughin
Ella oughta slap that woman for stealin
good music
and calling it poetry
all she doin
is scat. actin smart but just bullshit spittin.

Cards slappin
bids winnin
points addin
winners braggin
losers moanin
all still chucklin.

I thought, Maid said, wheezin
I thought, Baby, you need to get off 
that stuff. Sisters 
still laughin
and amenin

But I said, Maid said,
in perfect Nordic form,
I said it sounded important
and made my eyes wide
because ya’ll know I ain’t tryin
to be losin that one good job.

Sisters dealin
with understandin

Another maid,
a sister at the table
of the washerwomen
spoke up, sighin
I sure hope Langston’s right.

The table be quietin,
the recitation 
of Prophet Hughes’ intention

“We build our temples for tomorrow, strong as we know how, and we stand on top of the mountain, free within ourselves.”

Adopted Guest

Friends, I watch your family from the inside out, absorbed.
Here, there are no sneers for children because they exist.
Instead the grownups chat together like a deep breath
No pressure.

Here, the mothers do not pinch your psyche like wet dough and twist
And the fathers do not sit angrily behind
Upright embalming slabs which chill you
Even in passing.

And your family does not indenture me for
Kitchen duty and holding their blame
And you ask me—don’t order me and you don’t get cruel
When I reach demands.

And dishes stay on tables not flung
And laughter is not biting in at my expense
And you go together not make me go in your stead
And I’m asking myself


Karla Johnson is a perpetual graduate student, with master’s degrees from both Denver Seminary and the University of Denver. She is a third-generation native of Colorado and counts her grown two sons as her wildest blessings.

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Marcia Jones

Car Wash Lullaby

Crystal rain tadpoles twist
upstream, then downstream,
against my windshield.

They curl, sensuous,
all the while watching me
unwind behind
my steering wheel.

Soft suds embrace
the last languid tadpoles
who didn’t escape
in the warning sprinkles.
Bubbles fizzle my car,
hush me in white.

Reclining inside,
I’m on Jupiter
deep in a marble crater
swathed in solitude
and eerie soap clouds,
a lull before the deluge.

Sudden rush, and elegant drops
drum a staccato of silence.
Silver monsoon meditation
washes worry away.

Could death be like this?
At last, more crystal tadpoles
glide forever downstream,
sparkling under crystal parachutes
in the rinse of letting go.

Moonlight Sonata

Wrapped in tangled bedsheets,
tossed and sleepless, she wanders
alone into the night woods.

The first floating notes in C# minor
summon her to still-warm shadows,
restless under the forest canopy.
An ancient square piano ascends
among soaring trees, its burnished body
formed in the forest, from the forest.

Its open lid reflects slender strands
of blue moonlight, its belly brims
with ferns and wild vines.

A flock of nightingales, mysterious
musicians of the dark, slow dances
on worn black and white keys

awakening long-silent notes in an aching
rhythm of tension and release, at once

desperate and joyful—a sonata of healing.

Marcia Jones’s poems won awards at national and state levels through the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS). Her poems have appeared in two anthologies: A Flight of Poems (Colorado foothills poets) and All the Lives We’ve Ever Known (Lighthouse Writers). She published her first poetry collection, Only Time, in 2019. Her second collection, Blue Hour, will be out in 2023. She lives in Evergreen, Colorado, where the Rocky Mountains inspire her.

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Donald Levering

Song of the Carpet Moths

(Man-Moth) regards it as disease he has inherited susceptibility to.
              —Elizabeth Bishop

Hearing voices from the wall,
Man-Moth fears he’s gone insane.
Then he reasons such high vibrations
could be the sonar-seek of bats outside

or emanations from a power line. 
He reaches up to tweak 
the buds of his antennae, and lo,
the signal strengthens, leading him 

to the hanging Navajo weaving. 
As he moves closer, the signals 
resolve to song. Ah ha,
it’s my little cousin carpet moths.

Give me darkness give me dust
and a niche in a slumbering rug
Give me flecks of dried sheep dung
and globules of lanolin

Give me cochineal dye
that turns the wool the same Ganado red
my tiny tongue and feet become
Give me labyrinth of pattern

to chew down to the weft
the dizziness of Whirling Logs 
dazzling Crystal and Spider Web
Two Grey Hills interlocking crosses

I love to inch along the pictures
of Yei giants and pollinating corn
munching on these cords of fodder 
enough for all my hungry young

The Weight of the Painting

To calculate a price quote for framing, the framer needs to know the weight of the painting.

How could the framer assign grams or ounces to the scintillating effect of the painting’s pastel aura of autumn shrubbery, the way it lifts the viewer off the ground?

See the small building in the background of the painting? How is the painting’s gravitas altered by the addition of this human dwelling? The ochre of adobe is dense with mud’s local lore. How shall he account for the levitation achieved by the roseate tones of sunset reflected in the building’s tiny windows?

Added to the assessment would be the burden of the history of the landscape painting, from the Tang Dynasty’s floaty silk scrolls of misty waterfalls to William Bradford’s scenes of spouting whales and ice-locked schooners, to Helen Frankenthaler’s flattened landscapes of pansies (what is the heft of her petals?). All these scenes behind the painting must be added to its total gravity.

This calculation would be incomplete without the sway of the critics’ weighing in on the painting. Their hot air plus the weight of public opinion may loft the painter to a moon-walk domain of celebrity, or consign her to the lead-footed realm of public indifference.

Nor can the framer ignore the background boulder that seems to lift off the ground. With its luminous lichens, it is as buoyant as if it were afloat in a salty sea.

Luckily, the price does not include the weight of the neural cloud of imagination about the painter as she worked. Like a cumulus cloud of water vapor, this mental image of the painting must weigh hundreds of thousands of tons but must be discounted from the framer’s fee.

In Pastel

After a diptych by Jane Shoenfeld

When you wake you check your fingers to see
if they’ve turned into ten long sticks
of colored chalk as you just dreamed.
Instead of the dream’s sidewalk, the paper

on one side of your easel starts to scintillate
with flecks from your pastel sticks,
colors nearly bright enough to sear
an optic nerve as you sketch a figure

that quickly grows into a woman
whose mane is a spectrum spray,
whose face an electric seraph’s,
whose voice reverberates like hive-thrum.

* * *

On the other panel, Grandfather
Sitka Spruce is lying down.
A trillium blooms from his chin.
Toadstools and lichen claim his face.

Carpenter ants haul his heartwood
to their potlatch. His needles
become banana-slug meal,
his voice, receding thunder.

His supine totem pole is hollowed
into a canoe that glides you back
sadly to your own casketed grandfather
among banks of overpowering mums.


After a watercolor by Susan List

Dusk on the lagoon like a burner’s gas light.
A hermit’s quietude flickers in the last light.

Twilight slides with earth’s rotation into night.
Old heartache turns me toward this “Last Light.”

Magenta spreads through the gloaming firmament.
Bats and moths and swallows stir in the last light.

Trappings come unmoored, habitual views disperse.
Glimpses of infinity scatter in last light.

Loose photon jubilee, cumulus hosannas.
Memory, time, and distance fuse in last light.

Donald’s eyes rise to the fontanelle of sky.
Love of spectrums of the dusk in List’s “Last Light.”

Donald Levering’s 16th poetry book, Breaking Down Familiar, will be released in May of 2022. A previous book, Coltrane’s God, was Runner-Up in the 2016 New England Book Festival contest in poetry. Before that, The Water Leveling with Us placed 2nd in the 2015 National Federation of Press Women Book Award in Creative Verse. He is a former NEA Fellow and won the 2018 Carve magazine contest, the 2017 Tor House Robinson Jeffers Prize, and the 2014 Literal Latté prize. His work has been featured in Garrison Keillor’s Writer’s Almanac podcast.

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Jessy Randall

Not Checking Messages

[stolen french fry form*]

from not checking
messages that I
feel good?

[* The stolen french fry is a poetry form I invented based on the number of fries I stole from Price Strobridge and Ashley Crockett at the Poetry West Writers Retreat in Crestone, Colorado, May 2015. I made five thefts of fries, stealing first 1, then 1 again, then 3, then 3 again, then 2. The stolen french fry is therefore a five-line poem with word counts of 1, 1, 3, 3, 2. As far as I know, “Not Checking Messages” is the only poem ever written in stolen french fry form, but perhaps that could change.]

Jessy Randall’s poems have appeared in PoetryScientific American, and Women’s Review of Books. Her new collection, Mathematics for Ladies: Poems on Women in Science is forthcoming from the University of London in 2022. She is the Curator of Special Collections at Colorado College, and her website is

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Tim Raphael

The trouble begins

when I give bunchgrass a sway 
or suggest stones kneel at sunrise, 

as if they have something to say about this mesa, 
its vantage distinct from morning everywhere. 

Better I report unadorned the exact angle of the slope, 
how it frames the valley below,

allow the fields to be green, leave riotous out. 
A valley of green fields is enough. 

Except then the mesa rolls from shadow to sun, 
blinks itself awake and slips 

into its polka dot juniper dress 
in time to spot the owlets learning to fly “on owl-silent wings.” 

They’ve fledged but not far from the cliff face, 
loitering on a dead branch 

in sight of the ledge 
where they were born. 

Not yet horned or hardened, 
one stares back at me like a downy moon, 

its face ringed in a winter halo of white feathers, 
as if a July snow is on the way. 

Flecks of bone, like flakes, are scattered below the nest, 
the white mandible of a mouse or mole, bits of leg bone and spine, 

a tooth. I’ve interrupted something. 
Altered it—

two owlets motionless 
save the slow swivel of their famous heads. 

Harvester ants a few feet away begin their Sisyphean day, 
and I’m tempted to describe them as cheerful— 

a pep in their steps up their cartoon volcanoes. 
But why try to pin a mood on an ant? 

The soil softened by heavy dew. 
The soil itself more pebble than dirt. 

Is your eye drawn like mine to the dark crevices, 
a gash of dry streambed running down the slope, 

where I almost will a coyote onto the page?
Omitting the distant hum of State Road 75, 

I linger instead on the blue of the sky, 
leave out the sweat, my skin already wet, 

8 AM and the urge to say something, 
do something beyond witness.

No, I am not a reliable ally, 
I don’t tell it all,

deny you the scent of after-rain, 
ignore the stab of goathead. 

Today, it’s the absence of swallows and jays, 
no bunches of blue birds in the juniper. 

No birdsong calling Lightnin’ Hopkins—
Baby please don’t go    Baby please don’t go 

The blues scale I practice over & over. 
Each note in its place, but O, elusive swing,

somewhere out there, 
out beyond the metronome, 

where every coyote is a gift, 
and daybreak’s refrain is here 

& gone.

Blue Truck

We know each other first by our dogs—
walking our road, I see Tipsy
the cattle dog, dragging her dead leg 
like a grub hoe & I know Stan will appear 
in long slow strides, knit cap on cold mornings.

Scout runs ahead in sniffed greeting,
& when Stan pulls even, we trade a few words
about his garlic crop, about Kate & the kids 
& keep moving—he east, me west.                                        
Stan’s unwritten list of loss                            
is longer than mine & includes his wife 
Rosemary, whom I never met, 
yet he just hauled a Model A back from Nebraska, 
convinced he can find a transmission                         
& get it back on the road.

Kate had only been half joking 
about our own dead truck when she told the seller, 
We’ll take the house if you throw in the truck,
as if we had a choice,grass hiding                             
the airless tires of the Dodge, 
a ’49 flatbedwith perfect patina 
of autumn rust & blue, as if someone 
had sanded dead leaves & sky into fender 
& door, dignity in the rotted bed boards                    
& side rails that once held stacks 
of apple crates or firewood—the kind of truck 
you’d hop in or on if someone was headed to town, 
bouncing over the pitted road when 
there was still a bar & gas station, maybe                  
a kid taking a turn at the wheel. Now 
the bench seat is all springs but the chrome 
is like new, the Art Deco ram on the hood
ready to charge up valley to the snow on Jicarita Peak.                                             

The sign Kate painted & hung at our gate says
Blue Truck, not Blue Truck Farm—
we have less than a hundred whipple beans 
in the ground, assorted beds of zinnias 
& cosmos, three rows of wine grapes,            
a few apple, pear & plum trees, bush cherries, 
a lone apricot & only three hens after 
I forgot to latch the coop one night. 

 is a big word when nothing
is sold and what’s canned or put up 
doesn’t fill a pantry shelf, 
& farmer may require even more—                           
a few generations buried 
in Father Kuppers’ cemetery, callused hands 
like Stan’s that no longer crack in the cold, 
a knack for knowing whether clouds gathering
in furrowed rows will bring a soaking rain.

this town

this town has everything   it has it all this town   except curbs  
curbs & sidewalks but this town has everything else   no curbs like the ones 
in the last town with its paved streets & shaded sidewalks & town dogs 
on leashes  no leashes in this town   this town without a police force   no police 
no movie theater oh & no barber shop   no salons for people or dogs  
no tourist bureau with directions to the post office or the Battle 
of Embudo Pass or the tree where Harbert’s honeybees swarmed last year  
no big muddy river   that’s the other town  this town has hardly stream enough 
for beavers & kingfishers who meet on the banks because there’s no convention 
center either but this town has icy canyon roads sopapillas & a past like 
& unlike your town & the snow is starting to fly & knock down 
the last of the cottonwood leaves & this town looks back & ahead but mostly 
is busy today with Clarence’s funeral & keeping kindling dry as though this town 
is a protest without slogans that fit on banners   a treatise of half-baked 
tenets & no ultimatum   this sawdust-scented town   this town with everything

Tim Raphael lives in Northern New Mexico between the Rio Grande Gorge and Sangre de Cristo Mountains with his wife, Kate. They try to lure their three grown children home for hikes and farm chores as often as possible. Tim’s poems have been featured in I-70 Review, Deep Wild Journal, Sky Island Journal, The Fourth River (Tributaries), Windfall, Cirque, Canary, The Timberline Review, Gold Man Review and two Oregon anthologies. He is a graduate of Carleton College.

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Issue 10: March 2023

Photo of Bristlecone Pine on Mount Blue Sky

Frank H. Coons, Lew Forester, Amy Wray Irish,
Susan Marsh, Jerry Smaldone, Jared Smith, and Sarah Wolbach

© 2023 Bristlecone


Bristlecone welcomes poems from writers of the Mountain West region. The editors are especially eager to read poems that reflect the region’s various cultures and landscapes, although we have no restrictions in mind regarding subject matter. Our main concerns are with the quality of the work and the cultivation of a regional community of poets and poetry lovers.

Submissions are accepted year-round. Please adhere to all of the following guidelines:

  • Submit 3 to 5 unpublished poems in a single Word attachment (no poems in the body of an email) to: Submissions with more than 5 poems will not be considered.
  • Poems posted on blogs and social media are considered published. Simultaneous submissions are fine as long as you let us know right away if the work is accepted elsewhere.
  • Use a header on at least the first page of your submission that includes your:
  • Name as you wish it to appear in the journal
  • Mailing address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Website address (if you have one)
  • Phone number
  • Submission should be in .doc or .docx file format (no .rtf or .pdf)
  • Times New Roman 12 pt. font—titles in bold and not all caps
  • Flush left alignment except for drop-lines, internal spaces within lines, and any other special formatting your poem requires
  • 100-word maximum bio at the end of the submission; same guideline for translator bio(s). Feel free to provide live links to your website.

After publication, all rights revert to the individual Bristlecone authors. We consider simultaneous submissions but please let us know immediately if something you’ve submitted to us has been accepted elsewhere.

The Editors: Joseph Hutchison, Jim Keller, Sandra S. McRae, and Murray Moulding

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Frank H. Coons

Like Atheists

Walking across Spain
we spent many nights
in various rooms from
sub-pedestrian to palatial.

But it was after
a particularly hard day—
eighteen miles of hills
and vales, hungry and half lost,
we finally found our
pre-booked accommodations.

To our surprise, a convent,
where a stern holy mother led 
us to two very narrow beds
separated by Christ
on his cross, a New Testament
on the desk—

as if to excise any unsavory
temptations. Crisp white sheets
severely folded over anemic
mattresses, the entire atmosphere
the opposite of ostentatious.

And all night, the saints
kept their vigil, ready
to catalogue the most venial
of sins, prepared to intervene,
should the devil appear.

So we woke unrefreshed,
backs stiff, consciences
clean, though ready 

also to confess that if this
is what Jesus requires,
we’d rather sleep like atheists.

Where It Started

Every estuary
     is an amalgam
          of half-salted water—
               a brackish broth
that harbors the unfinished
     including you and I
          just now wading knee-deep
               eyeing an endless horizon
aware this might just be
     where it all started
          when those lonely elements:
                carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, etcetera,
gathered under a willing sun
     to become a living something—
          holy admixture and eureka!
               And here we are the unfinished specimens

Frank H. Coons is a poet and veterinarian. He lives with his wife who, somehow, still puts up with him after almost 47 years. His two daughters and three grandchildren live close enough that he can bother them frequently. He is the author of three books of poetry, both published by Lithic Press. His first book, Finding Cassiopeia, published in2014, was a finalist for the Colorado Book Awards. His second book, Counting in Dog Years was published in 2016. His work has appeared in CaesuraEvening Street Press, Plainsongs, Pensive Journal, Santa Fe Literary Review, Pacific Review, Pudding and elsewhere. He was nominated for a Pushcart prize in 2019.


This work is dedicated to my two daughters, Allison and Lindsay, and my three grandchildren, Madeline, Cameron, and Cole. They continue to be an endless source of inspiration.

Bristlecone Branch

Lew Forester

Augury of Ash

Marshall Creek Fire
Boulder County, 2021

Premonitory winds 
gust along the foothills,
dry grasses bent
like the penitent to their knees— 

a chaos of clanging windchimes,
tumbleweed trashcans 
rolling through streets, 
apparitions riding 
the playground swings.

Arid fields ignite, fanned into 
a blizzard of smoke & ember 
occulting suburbia, devouring
over a thousand dwellings—

homes once envied 
reduced to basements, 
concrete-lined graves 
of smoldering memory 
the displaced sift through,

as old prophecies  
about a warming world
begin to be absorbed
like wet snow falling
on ashes, too late.

Bird Paparazzi

Boots crunching ice, we walk through the fog
our words make  

while a hawk claws at a frigid blue sky.

We startle a whitetail deer, treading
the western edge of its habitat, 

then encounter a group of birdwatchers
wearing camouflage. They wrestle with tripods
and lenses big as dinner plates,

attempting to capture a migration of waxwings.

Fluent in their language, you chat with them
while I think of the ravens

I watched the day before, invading the perimeter
of my house, staring through windows, 
fouling the walkways.

Wheels Roll

across miles of Colorado highway
Craig to Elk Springs to Dinosaur
through sagebrush & juniper & rangeland 
the rolling freeze-thaw road paved 
over Ute Indian trails & dinosaur bones
over white man buried promises
no one ahead or behind for miles
& miles rolling free 
as the subconscious
the interstate an inner state
like the woman sitting alone 
in a café in Craig        
coffee in trembling hands     
hair like threshed wheat
hollow eyes verging on tears
should have offered her an ear
talked of flight & freedom 
in the broken lines 
& the lightness of leavings 
left behind
though leave your demons 
in the dust & your angels 
might stay back too
while the windshield carnage continues
the guts and wings of flights concluded
under clouds like gauze 
over landscapes sutured by barbed wire
with ghostly mirage    
blurred parallel lines
converging in the distance
while the Beatles’ Long & Winding Road
beams down from space through speakers 
& you ponder where next 
to go in this life 
besides down the highway
& into the vanishing 

Lew Forester is a social worker who lives in Arvada, Colorado, base for his frequent hikes in the Rocky Mountains. The author of Dialogues with Light (Orchard Street Press, 2019), Lew’s poems have appeared in Atlanta Review, Main Street Rag, Blue Mountain Review, Sky Island Journal, Pinyon, Plainsongs, POEM, Slipstream, The MacGuffin and other journals, magazines and anthologies.

Bristlecone Branch

Amy Wray Irish

The Educational Exhibit

at the Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson, AZ

Sleek predator, poquito tigrillo, spotted hunter 
of the Sonora and primo del jaguar
why are you on display? A sign
at your enclosure says “Ocelot Entrance”
but not Endangered. Are you in need
of protection? Or just held captive in a space
that copycats habitat, plays pretend?  

Your signage claims you may live twenty years, 
preserved in the museum’s embrace. 
That’s 7,000 days and nights of vigilant eyes 
focused on release from your “natural” state.

Peering in at your penitentiary, it’s clear 
where declawed paws have paced those walls
with grace, rápidamente, again and again.
The earth laid bare from motion. Your sign
points the way for entry but never escape. And
feigns education, describing zoology but never
your zoo. Yet you are educational—look how much

I learn from your sanctuary, your cage.

The Ritual of Washed Hands

after Kora in Hell: “Improvisations II,”
by William Carlos Williams

If you are like me—a window-washer, 
poet, or other philosopher—with life’s filth 
fouling your glass every morning 

you would never return to the critical work 
of clearing the dirty accumulation of night,
without first cleansing yourself

of all that dug-up grave soil, keeping
even your cuticles spotless clean
with an altar cloth or scrap of haiku.

And when you hang your just-washed hands 
from the ceiling to dry, you cannot secretly
keep hold of broken glass or ripped cloth shreds. 

Really! How can you expect an untainted
trickle of light to find and follow you
through the gritty pane of this existence

like that—But come, let us pause 
together in reflected skyscraper light
along our precarious catwalk.  

One must be strengthened, prepared
for much before our hands
are tuned to these frequencies of purity.

You see, there is the oil slick
of the world forever spilling
between us, and we must become holy

as the translucent glass catching sun
before we can handle the stunned bird—
before our hands can meet.

When the Door Is Closed in My Face

The arid moonscapes of my empty walls
rise before me. Dented and pitted from the pierce
of pressed-deep tacks, ripped-out nails,
long-forgotten photos, discarded art—

But I find there a constellation of pockmarks.
I find a bouquet of flowering craters. 
I find a spiderweb of cracks connecting,
weaving a lacy curtain to hold back the beyond. 

And I find a tracery of wrinkles gracing
the snow-dusted face of my future.
I find a Himalayan range of white rising
in peak after peak of possibility. 

I find there a Rorschach of such intricate
artistry, revealing such beauty within
me, that I know any closed doors or enclosing 
walls can never hold me captive—never

call me abandoned or void—again.

Amy Wray Irish grew up near Chicago, received her MFA from Notre Dame, then fled the Midwest for Colorado sunshine. Irish was recently selected as the winner of the Poetry Mesa Chapbook Contest, judged by Judyth Hill. Her manuscript Down to the Bone will be published in 2023. Her 2020 chapbook Breathing Fire, winner of the Fledge Competition, is still available at Or read more of her work at

Bristlecone Branch

Susan Marsh

My Wyoming

The dominant color is wind.
A sky smudged with dust,
Strands of barbed wire 
Humming the hues of light: 
Azure, denim, sand, 
Tawny buckskin tan, the soft
Gray shadow of a shadow.

Here is the day’s delicate beginning
Clouds mixing like ink on the horizon
As sun gilds the interior
Of a weathered windowless shed.

Come See

The frozen fist of winter has lost its grip
Snowmelt trickles through its open fingers. 
It stares into its hand, amazed. Aspens weave 
nets of mist across the mountainside.
Come see, they bid. Come see.

The sky spins mare’s-tails on a wild warm wind 
water pours headlong, glorious in its rush
silence is silenced by a cacophony of life.
The patch of earth beside this log is dry
dabs of color beckon. Come see.

A buttercup’s green hands embrace a yellow globe
hail-dense drifts of turkey-peas erupt 
from warming leaf mold. Elegant steer’s head 
conjured from bare earth, blooms under the pines 
gone before April softens into May.  

I want to call my friends in distant urban places, 
draw their attention from greening lawns, from 
quince and cherry blossoms. The mud has thawed, 
the buttercups are out this morning, I will say.  
No greater miracle than this: come see.

Susan Marsh lives in Jackson, Wyoming. Her non-fiction has been published in Orion, North American Review, Deep Wild Journal, Fourth Genre, and in many anthologies. Among her books are an award-winning novel, War Creek, and ten non-fiction books, including A Hunger for High Country and Saving Wyoming’s Hoback, winner of the Wallace Stegner Prize in Environmental Humanities. Her poetry chapbook This Earth Has Been Too Generous was published in 2022. She writes the column “Back to Nature” for Mountain Journal.

Bristlecone Branch

Jerry Smaldone


Dick took a drag off his Marlboro and tried to exhale.
He was sitting on the porch, waiting for the sun to go down,
waiting to die.

He had stage 10 cancer and enough other stuff to kill a horse.
A big ol’ warhorse, more like a workhorse, pulling a wagon,
pulling a plow.

Now it was coming to an end, and he thought of all he’d done.
The farm in Ioway, a stint in the Navy, the precision of the
machine shops, winding bike rides in the mountains and
hunting with his boys.

He was alone now, Rosie gone two years.
He was proud of how he’d cared for her,
the love of his life, unable to breathe.

That first time he walked in the Ramblin’ Rose
and saw her behind the bar.
How she trusted him, wanted him 
in her hard-headed, independent way.

Yeah, he was alone, but the girls, his stepdaughters, 
came by to check on him and bring him dinner once in a while.
He had decided to do the right thing and let the family know.
Maybe somebody would want the guns he hadn’t used in years,
the bike he couldn’t ride, the truck. Somebody’d want the truck.

He thought how he would miss sitting here, watching the neighbors,
young ones pushing trikes and wagons full of impossibly cute kids,
old ones limping around small gardens of vibrant jewels,
some he hardly knew, who’d come by for a casual talk
as word had spread down the block.

He eyes teared up as they rose to the blurry trees and clouds 
and everchanging sky.
A perfect still life it was, life that is, with just the right amount of pain 
and joy to wake you up and raise you to a higher place. And then 
something lit up inside his head and he realized that was it.

We had to be lifted up to get to heaven, all of us,
we had to lose this wasted, worn flesh, to see who we really were.
We had to put on a body of shining light to enter the illuminated world.

Dick lit another smoke and took a swig of beer.
The air was clean today, sweet as your first breath.

When Jerry Smaldone is not advising top-tier thinkers on how to physically, spiritually and financially survive the coming global holocaust/ascension into the 5th dimension, he is getting beat up by numerous grandchildren. Numerous books are waiting impatiently to be published by anybody other than the author.

Bristlecone Branch

Jared Smith

Watching a Downy Woodpecker

I’m watching a downy woodpecker
silhouetted against storm clouds on
the highest branch of an ancient elm
tilting to the wind, sharpening beak
against fluid bark and pausing, then
picking what it finds into its mouth
jostling its feathers as the clouds 
themselves are jostled against cloud.
What does it hope to find so far above
the ground where beetles burrow freely?
Perhaps one or two tired stringy grubs
within a stalk too thin to hold them
yet hanging on, they too small and cold.

I must go on and like that tuft of feather
tend to the little things I cannot catch
or keep for any length of time.  The
messages of lovers, family, friends
that tie me to the world I love. I look
at my investments in the future, my
meager means of tying thoughts to
whatever it is that meets us at this time.
This is my job: making skin-tight marks
on paper as my sister falls dead across
the country, where she sifted tax returns
and handed out the government doles
to those who could no longer work,
one Administration to the next and next,
a long gray highway of U.S. dreamers.

It is too cold to walk the fields today,
the winds too turbulent and I too small
and dark, too feebly feathered to fly
holding only what I can.

Within the Shadows of Invisible

There are no deer in the side yard this morning,
stepping out from the tall winter grasses
on silent feet, nibbling the buds from groundcover,
looking toward our window, ears raised quizzically,
knowing we are here but not why or what we are,
sensing danger in the midst of our kindness,
fading back into the landscape from which they come.

This is a wide, deep forest where the trees grow close,
so squeezed together they shiver in winter’s wind
rather than standing tall and strong against it,
their trunks and branches rubbing against each other,
hands and eyes tangled against the clouds.

This is a forest filled with invisible animals
that take their meals from the sun and shadow
and go uncounted about their time among us.
This is the forest unkempt, unlogged, pressing
against the cities undrawn by architects, un-
lived in within the shadows of invisible.

Jared Smith lived in Colorado for many years until last summer and still retains ownership of two primitive log cabins in Roosevelt National Forest. His sixteenth volume of poetry, A Sphere Encased in Fires and Life, will be released by New York Quarterly Books in May of 2023. Jared has served on the editorial boards of New York Quarterly Magazine, Home Planet News, The Pedestal Magazine, and Turtle Island Quarterly, and has hundreds of publications in journals and anthologies in the US and abroad. His first grandson will be born in Colorado in April of 2023. Hurrah!!

Bristlecone Branch

Sarah Wolbach

Anniversary Hike in the Sangre de Cristos

Lost in the woods after missing the sign 
with a curving arrow advising us of the trail,
we wander for hours unthreaded 
from the needle of direction. 

I grip a sharp stone in my right hand,
binoculars in my left. I will break a skull 
if I have to, of a mountain lion, most likely, 
for we find paw prints in patches of November snow.

Sometimes you fathom how vulnerable you are
among the indifferent atoms of living things
and dead things. I set love aside for survival,
follow you cautiously into the forest’s maw.

The light dims, becomes shadow-light.
The particles of the intimate boundary 
between light and dark separate,
and in a split second the forest disappears,

becomes dark as a cavern after the candle
is snuffed out. Eyes useless, feet lost
underneath us. We hold cold hands, pull 
in different directions. The forest growls.

Killing Time in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

I choose a bad restaurant for no good reason.
The huevos rancheros are made with greasy
eggs and stale tortillas smothered 
with lukewarm red chile. 
The coffee is hot, brown water in a chipped 

cup. At the next table sits a family of three—

two teenage parents and a baby the parents 

pass back and forth across the table along 

with a cell phone and a salt shaker. 
The ease of it. 

While you lay dying in my arms, I murmured 

“love is everything” over and over. I wish 
I had said only “I love you”—less 

complicated. When did you say, “I am not 

happy”? It was an interminable day of bad 

choices. With each flavorless bite, I try

to forgive myself and love you more. 
I will be back tomorrow.


We used to say we’d hike 
    up Bear Canyon to Atalaya, 
        have a picnic.   

Now I hesitate 
   to step from flat
        to slant     to crumble

and you are gone.
   In my youth, 
      in my seven-league boots,

I leapt from boulder 
   to boulder
      over slits and chasms

over gaping mouths 
   of caves. I lit 
      fires with my boots. 

I walked over water 
    on needle-thin planks. I fell 
      but did not break.

But I dwindled
    with you, meandered 
        too long

in the flats. Then you stumbled,
      you broke, you fell 
             into shatter. Now 

you lie in the sand,
     old man, old glass 
         changing color.

My nerves shiver
   the fall, the slant 
        of shale. 

Why not avalanche,
    scrape flesh to the bone?
       Why not 

slip from a bridge
      and see where I land?
          I might skip 

across water, might sink 
      into sand. But if 
          I must drown, why not

drown happy? I plan to be wild:
   Up-fall into darkness, 
       become a bright stone.

After receiving her MFA and a postgraduate fellowship from the Michener Center for Writers at UT-Austin, Sarah Wolbach moved to Mexico, where she led poetry workshops for expatriates and taught English to the employees of a mushroom factory. After leaving Mexico, she lived for several years in New York City. She is the author of two chapbooks, and her poems have been published or are forthcoming in Artful Dodge, Borderlands, Cimarron Review, Comstock Review, Fixed and Free Anthology, Peregrine, Pilgrimage Magazine, Santa Fe Literary Review, Snakeskin, Wild Roof Journal, Yalobusha Review, and others. She lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Bristlecone Branch

Issue 3: March 2022

Artwork by Sarah Sajbel

Poems by

Patricia Dubrava, Jeff Foster, Art Goodtimes, Daniel Klawitter,
Lary Kleeman, John D. Levy, David Mason, and Beth Paulson

© 2022 Bristlecone

Simplicity at BRISTLECONE

Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as
two or three, and keep your accounts on your thumb nail….

—Henry David Thoreau, Walden

Bristlecone welcomes poems from writers of the Mountain West region. The editors are especially eager to read poems that reflect the region’s various cultures and landscapes, although we have no restrictions in mind regarding subject matter. Our main concerns are with the quality of the work and the cultivation of a regional community of poets and poetry lovers.

Note that we’ve simplified our guidelines for submissions:

  • Submit 3 to 5 poems in a single .doc or .docx attachment (no poems in the body of an email) to:
  • Include a current bio of no more than 100 words.
  • If you’re submitting translations, please provide bios for both you and your translated poet(s).
  • Provide the following information:
    • Name as you wish it to appear in the journal
    • Mailing address
    • Email address
    • Phone number
    • Website address (if you have one)

After publication, all rights revert to the individual Bristlecone authors. We consider simultaneous submissions but please let us know immediately if something you’ve submitted to us has been accepted elsewhere.

The Editors: Joseph Hutchison, Jim Keller, Sandra S. McRae, and Murray Moulding



Grandmother Visits the Doctor

“You’re a spry 75-year-old,” the doctor said. Grandmother did not reply, only turned to assess him carefully for the first time. He was older than her grandsons and younger than many of her former students. Young man, do you suggest to your 25-year-old patients that they are spry for their age? But she didn’t say that. She said nothing, asked the usual questions about the usual deteriorations of flesh and bone. And God help her, she was flattered in spite of herself; went home, told her husband, “The boy pretending to be a doctor says I’m spry,” and curtsied.

Grandmother Is Entertained

She knows those who catch her at it think “nosy old woman” when she pulls aside the curtain, but she can’t stop herself. For example, how lucky it was that she glanced out in time to see that young man in the house across the alley open the upstairs window and push a bike through it. It broke into several pieces when it bounced off the porch roof and onto the patio. She wouldn’t have wanted to miss that. Or the time a small woman strode down the street, mouth in a tight line, arms folded across her chest, while a muscle-bound man twice her size hurried after her like a toddler, whining: “Oh, baby, come on, don’t be like that.” And the next day she saw them holding hands. In public, her husband sometimes feels called upon to say, “Honey, don’t stare.” Just yesterday, in the coffee shop, she saw a stork-thin guy with a glowing bald head, his skin like dark chocolate, his trimmed beard black as ripe olives and decorated with a neat row of yellow and white plastic flowers. “Honey,” her husband cautioned. But she can’t help herself. People are so interesting. She could watch them all day.

Grandmother Waxes Nostalgic for Typewriters

The one she misses most is the pale green portable Smith-Corona—was it a Smith-Corona? Now she’s not sure, but it was the first prize of a poetry contest her first year of college. She’d written an elegy for JFK in one fell swoop of pain and that poem won. The judges mentioned its Greek tragedy resemblances, but Grandmother knew nothing about that. It was no “When lilacs last in the dooryard bloomed,” but what the hell. The typewriter was metal, came in a gray and white vinyl carrying case and traveled with her to college and to California and finally to Colorado. She wrote poem after poem on that thing: Those were her white-hot poem writing days. It moldered in the basement after she got a state-of-the-art IBM Selectric. A fellow poet needed one so she loaned it, but the girl moved away, took it with her and the green typewriter was lost forever. She yearns for it now, that prize-winning-poem producing machine. Like much that has disappeared from her life, absence alone makes it seem dear.

On My Birthday, After the Pandemic

Feeling safe going out on a clear crisp day
of sun and unalloyed skies, even feeling somewhat safe
in the crowded Whistler to Cassatt exhibit, 
buffered by our now voluntary masks—
three women strolled from painting to painting 
without seeing them, talked endlessly about selling 
their house in Arizona—the day a birthday gift 
from my husband, the four hours out
nearly more than we could manage, yearning by then 
to be home again, home again, jiggety jig. 

And yet, I’m glad to have gone, remember Phil
standing long and closer than the guard liked
before one Whistler, explaining to me how the white
of the foreground figure drew the eye and from there
scattered white glints among the rocks thread your gaze
back out to the sea, to the white breaker
eternally shattering ashore.


Patricia Dubrava has two books of poems and one of translations from Spanish. Her translations, essays and poems have appeared in numerous journals, most recently The Massachusetts Review (2020) and Cagibi (2021). Her blog “Holding the Light” contains over 300 flash essays and memoir. She teaches creative writing at University of Denver’s University College.


Sitting Shiva

Sitting shiva
should last months.

Starting could wait—
the crush of duty is a tide
that takes its time to leave us

The tossing and washing and tumbling
scour the early days clean.
I got through it.

But later.

Sitting shiva
should last longer than now.

Tin Cans and String

It’s not that the poems to you
lack potential.
It’s that their intimate tone,
their whispers, hints and gestures
are just for you.

The world needn’t know
about boots and footstools,
our soles nearer than anything else.
Nor about souls
nor spirits
nor serendipities.

A poem to you is a secret
our totem
our tin cans and string.

Jeff Foster is a retired egg rancher. He moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado, in 2020.


Rainbow Gathering

                For Dolores LaChapelle

Purple lupines tell us more than park rangers
when we camp amid their wolfish blooms,

tug their starry leaves until the dew
seeps into our skin & we come to realize

what a wet kiss can really mean.
“That ain’t dew,” pipes up McRedeye.

“That’s coyote piss.” And the laughter we
hippies ring from the bell of our mouths

announces not ecstasy’s vespers but the zen
koan of the Trickster’s leer. The fear

in the cop’s sneer. Despite the arguments
for & against Earth First!, Murray Bookchin

coast redwoods & the superiority of the
sensuous, we’ve learned how to drum, hum

& chant. How much morning Tai Chi teaches
us in the shadows of Shandoka’s slopes.

How quickly we can recover the lost harmonies
of the Wild. How deep Nature’s alive inside us,

hungry hawk chicks nested in the branching
of our neurons. Whole fields of timothy &

escaped orchard grass up against hot splashes
of Indian paintbrush. Golden mariposa petals,

wind-whipped groves of spindly doghair
tremuloides, false hellebore, sweet cicely

& the 40-year flowering of green gentian.
All the plant lore that any good Crone knows.

Hiking with her we stumble into beauty,
carry home stone. Bone antlers. Trilobites &

fat boletes to remind us on the way to & fro
what’s meant in taking the time to lose

ourselves in skies gone psilocybin. To grok
bristlecone pine impervious to alpine gusts.

To settle into the embrace of our more
than human family, and even if only

for a few days, to hear our own opened
hearts singing us back into the mystery.


Art Goodtimes, poet, basketweaver, and Green Party social activist, served as San Miguel County Commissioner (1996–2016) and Western Slope Poet Laureate (2011–2013). Poetry editor emeritus for Earth First! JournalWild Earth and the Mountain Gazette, he is currently poetry editor for and Retired from political life, Art serves as projects director for the Telluride Institute’s Talking Gourds Poetry Program, which includes monthly Bardic Trails zoom readings, the San Miguel County and Western Slope Poet Laureate projects, the statewide Karen Chamberlain Award and the national and state Fischer and Cantor poetry contests:


If you like, I can be your anti-sonnet:
That unappealing vomit in the corner
Causing you to retch in less than 14 lines
With a rhyme scheme that chimes off pattern.
Let me be your garish lantern of illumination
And you can be the subject of my non-flirtation.
It’s better this way, to woo by not wooing.
My studied indifference is a way of pursuing
Your undivided and absolute attention.
It may be misguided; I make no apology.
This anti-sonnet is reverse psychology.

As You Like It (or Not)


Daniel Klawitter, a Denver resident since 1999, is a member of the Colorado Poets Center, the lead singer/lyricist for the indie rock band Mining for Rain, and an Admissions Counselor at the Iliff School of Theology. He is the author of six poetry collections and the winner of two Purple Dragonfly Book Awards for Excellence in Children’s Literature.


Missive #3

To write the poem was to startle
into place a needed keeping. 

What should he keep. 
The broken chair, the memory

of bare ochre skin-in-summer, 
everything that dries up. 

To fetch water was to fulfill
a small contract, a ground level 

protocol (meaning a useful movement). 
Rosary bead, rosary bead 

(an old formula revisited). 
A mathematics of tracing and retracing

in breath with touch until 
a territorial extension announces itself. 

There and then he emerges asymptomatic
of all that diminishes him in his daily tasks. 

There and then he puts down the pen.


Lary Kleeman was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. Kleeman taught high school English. From 1992-94, Kleeman taught conversational English in the Peace Corps in Estonia. A graduate of the MFA program at the University of Montana, Kleeman is a recipient of the Colorado Council on the Arts Poetry Fellowship (2002). His three books are Negotiating a Lower Anglegeometries of indifference, and Lines Set to an Abandoned Stenographer’s Tape.



I’m an atheist


and all
year, almost every

year, but when I’m

an agnostic
I have minutes of that

and once in a while, a while
separated by years, I find myself

writing a poem

about God. Yesterday, in

Tucson, I was thinking about Virginia Woolf and
reading portions of her diary when

a coyote walked by the window

closer than I remember seeing one
from this particular window. It

didn’t see me. It

was headed somewhere, going
north, not running but walking

fast, its mouth

open in what seemed an eager
smile, white teeth. And today

I think that if I did believe in God

God would be like that coyote

didn’t know I was nearby,

who was on the move


The Part of the Gravestone

that rests in the earth, the bottom of the gravestone, has no incised words. Its own shape is impressed into the earth, not an anonymous shape. No shape is anonymous.

International House of Shapes, that would not be an appropriate name for a cemetery. It would remind senior citizens, like myself, of The International House of Pancakes, which became IHOP after I grew up.

I sometimes find that when I am thinking of my late parents I write something with them in the background. They took me to the International House of Pancakes, on Bethany Home Road, in Phoenix, when I was in grade school. I remember the revolving tray (lazy Susan, which is not how I thought of it then), with its wealth of syrups.

The one time I visited my late mother’s parents in their cemetery in Phoenix (the same cemetery where both of my late parents now reside), it was just the two of us. It was a long drive. The cemetery was on the outskirts of Phoenix then. I followed my mother to her parents’ flat markers, which were level with the earth. She either said she wanted to be alone for a while with them or I could tell. I walked away, to the south, and stopped. It was the only time in my life so far (I’m almost 70 now) that when I looked up at the sky the blue seemed a solid overturned blue cup, with us underneath. That wasn’t frightening nor disorienting, it felt vast enough.


John Levy lives in Tucson. His most recent book is Silence Like Another Name (otata’s bookshelf, 2019), which is available online as a PDF at


The Lion on My Roof

Precarious days, vulnerable like me,
those months in a cabin in Colorado,
the thin walls, the windows leaking heat.

One night a lion leapt on the roof—I felt
the frail studs shudder at its weight.
Next morning half a dead deer lay in the yard.

A man’s life is not a country’s life
but I was broken open, losing weight,
and like America I was unsound.

Some days I felt like that gutted deer,
a hungover face in the spotted bathroom mirror,
and when I hiked for relief in the dry hills

I was hardly surprised by the small arms fire
sputtering nearby. It was only practice,
but the sound of it, rapid and echoing, was all bile,

nightmare America shooting the light out,
so many weapons bent on killing time.
Give me the lion, I thought, hunting at night

from the height of a cabin roof, keeping herself
out of sight in the day, abiding the quiet.
Give me the wound I know I can endure.

Under the Mesa

The air was dry and crackled with crickets’ wings,
sunlight piercing as an ice pick, so the shade
gave deep relief, the air so motionless
that every footstep, every gesture of the hand
took on the hushed deliberation of a monk.

And I crouched in command
between a cactus and a blooming yucca clump
of one small gravel mound,
the gravel made of a billion brilliant bits
ground down from the mesa’s mineral flank.

A frenzy of red ants dazzled the mound
and with a stick I tried to marshal them.
I was the shadow in the shadow looming 
over their active lives, my little hands
like hovercrafts intruding from above.

But the desert summer educates a god
though he may seem all-powerful to ants.
They have their own mind and a crowded will
intolerant of boys.
Their sharp bites teach a boy to dance and leave

a welted hide wet with incredulous tears.
So my grandmother found me full of wonder
that I should be attacked by those I tortured.
She split an aloe leaf and salved my sores,
and left my grandfather, home from work, the moral:

They’re God’s creatures, just like us.
The hand he lit his Pall Mall with was scarred
from shrapnel long ago at Amiens
when men in kilts swarmed over the gravel scarp
to bite the shadows who had bitten them.

That I should be attacked, that I should learn
like kilted men, like anyone alive
and capable of learning that the world
does not respect a meddling god, was only
natural after all. The world would take a turn,

blue shadows growing, growing into night,
a moonlit coolness under the silent mesa,
piñon and prickly pear and yucca spearings,
the red activity of ants gone under
as four-footed creatures of the night set out,

panting on patrol. A neighbor dog barked once,
retreated into domesticity.
The earth exhaled, the little house exhaled
as if it turned in sleep under the mesa,
the brittle air, the rocks so ready to fall.

Written in the Sky

Brother, one of us will die
before the other, who will feel
the absence like a missing bone.

The fog will rise up from the firs
until there are no firs, until
the earth itself is dry as bone,

a broken island no ships pass.
An awkward grief betrayed our bond,
the passing waters of a lake

we loved, great cedars
and the birds we feel along the bone
the way a paddler pauses in the dawn,

listening, brother,
to the heart of everything.

The Widow at 102

She remembered cedar stumps that twenty men
could stand on, remembered how her hair stood up
when she sensed a cougar stalking right behind her,
but she could not quite recognize this girl
who sat beside her now without a story.

How many horses nibbled from her hand,
how many buckets of coal did the furnace burn,
and where was the lumberjack, where the saw,
the old trail in the woods like a dent in dough?
From one pale cheek a root-like tumor grew.

Thousands of mountain sheep were crossing the tracks
when the train steamed down the pass. The trees so tall
a storm was just a whisper in their topknots.
The rain fell like tea from the alder leaves.
The tumor, pale and waxen, rooted from her face

into the cool subsoil of the peopled air,
and everyone she knew was gathered there
the way a waterfall will find a pool.
Becoming root, a pale and searching thing,
her mind had found the water of the world. 


Former poet laureate of Colorado, David Mason now lives in Tasmania, the island state of Australia. His new collection of poems, Pacific Light, will appear in August from Red Hen Press.



Ice on the river’s edge shines like glass shards, 
blue water flows around its own frozen places.

Ice forms on your eyelashes, too, cold fingers ache 
but your heart quickens to bare trunks of aspen, blue sky.

A raven hops across frozen mud, hawk watches
from a ponderosa, deer have tracked thin snow,

red willows and currants flame along the ditch—
these winter moments hold both grief and joy.

Last night you dreamed a mountain lion was stalking prey,
heard a scramble in deadfall, at dawn found its footprints.

Thawing will come slow to the mountains, fields flood,
streams tumble where marsh marigolds burst white.

Once sheepherders lonely for loved ones carved names,
faces into the soft bark of the aspens.

You had to climb over icy rocks to find them, 
felt with your ungloved hand the black, healed scars.

Passing Through

Morning and a rafter of wild turkeys 
nibbles, struts in stalks of dried grass
under a small hill between us and a neighbor,

a dozen or more, plump, fan-feathered, on long necks
red and blue heads a-swivel,
black eyes searching, they scratch at seeds

among weeds in this rural valley side 
of sandstone cliffs, curving line of river,
thick with scrub oak, tall pines to nest and roost.

Haven here in hunting season?
Ute tribe’s game path, their nets, snares
set for sweet meat, bold-flecked feathers?

DNA-remembered place of near-extinction,
where they were settler-shot for sport or hunger
until cleared forests grew back?

Slow, deliberate these meleagris gallopavos
progress ragged across our ecotone,
sharing wildness with us latecomers who also

track the seasons, each year dying a little more,
intent on our own passions,
thinking to ourselves we are going where we must.

No need to run fast or fly.  We hear them
purr, click, gobble, passing though
yellow rabbitbrush, wooly daisies gone white.

Five Assays

Eighty years ago
a teak tree grew in China—
Mother’s fine carved box.

In spring globe willows
wear capes woven of jade silk—
perfect symmetry.

One ocotillo—
red paper cranes on green stalks—
sparks hope and healing.

Into the blue pond
water falls down noisily—
cat crouches nearby.

Glowing yellow suns
a handful of daffodils—
on my plain table. 


 Beth Paulson lives in Ouray County, Colorado where she leads the Poetica Workshop and
co-directs Poetry at the Tavern. She taught English at California State University Los Angeles for 20 years. Her poems have been widely published in national journals and anthologies and have four times been nominated for Pushcart Prizes. In May 2019, Beth was appointed the first Poet Laureate of Ouray County. Luminous (Kelsay Books, 2021) is her sixth published collection.

Issue 4: April 2022

Artwork by Sarah Sajbel

© 2022 Bristlecone

Jonah Bornstein, Frank Coons, Sharon Corcoran,
Amy Wray Irish, Melody Jones, Marjorie Power,
and Andrew Schelling


Bristlecone welcomes poems from writers of the Mountain West region. The editors are especially eager to read poems that reflect the region’s various cultures and landscapes, although we have no restrictions in mind regarding subject matter. Our main concerns are with the quality of the work and the cultivation of a regional community of poets and poetry lovers.

Submissions are accepted year-round. Please adhere to all of the following guidelines:

  • Submit 3 to 5 unpublished poems in a single Word attachment (no poems in the body of an email) to: Submissions with more than 5 poems will not be considered.
  • Poems posted on blogs and social media are considered published. Simultaneous submissions are fine as long as you let us know right away if the work is accepted elsewhere.
  • Use a header on at least the first page of your submission that includes your:
  • Name as you wish it to appear in the journal
    • Mailing address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Website address (if you have one)
  • Phone number
  • Submission should be in .doc or .docx file format (no .rtf or .pdf)
  • Times New Roman 12 pt. font—titles in bold and not all caps
  • Flush left alignment except for drop-lines, internal spaces within lines, and any other special formatting your poem requires
  • 100-word maximum bio at the end of the submission; same guideline for translator bio(s). Feel free to provide live links to your website.

After publication, all rights revert to the individual Bristlecone authors. We consider simultaneous submissions but please let us know immediately if something you’ve submitted to us has been accepted elsewhere.

The Editors: Joseph Hutchison, Jim Keller, Sandra S. McRae, and Murray Moulding 

Jonah Bornstein

Raven Flight at the Grand Canyon

I know the lust of hang-gliders to loop upward 
in the grace of ravens, forming fissures in air 
as if they, too, were custodians of space. 
I watch them drift across the desert, 
hands clenched to the reins
of taut wings, their bodies clamped to saddles;
I remember seeing 
one of these creatures
dangling like a struck bird from electrical wires
above the coast highway—no formula of wellness 
would return him, the bent grille 
of his body haunting 
me for years after. Now relaxed 
in a warm motel room below the canyon, 
its buffeting wind unlocked from my body 
by a hot shower, I wonder whether the woman 
who spoke truly did see a tagged condor, 
the exposed pink guts 
of its head a splotch of luminescence 
against the ragged streaks of light 
shifting on canyon walls, or a moose
in Oak Creek Canyon, the trolley
of her imagination unfolding at the rim, 
smiling, glorious in her tellings, rose 
madder dyeing the pale skin 
under her eyes. It is enough, I wanted to say, to see
the particulars of where we are— 
the clipped dust of deer tracks, to hear the thump of wings,
and watch a brace of ravens coil 
up from the canyon’s lips, making visible 
channels of air unfelt from our perch on the rim.
But I, too, have created canyon stars
out of a scattering of desert datura; and I question,
even, the hang glider forty years ago—wonder
if my parents diverted my gaze away from the snared man
to the cable of knotted cars, afraid
of death hovering above us, or whether I’d seen
at all, that my young mind opened a fissure 
to move the uneasy flight
of man toward earth where I could see 
its consequence, and know that daring 
brings death close—that my story now 
is to climb the pole, lasso the impervious hum 
of wires that crowds our bodies
with a language we cannot understand.

Nightfall at Bell Rock

The red hills begin to glow 
shrugging heat off their chameleon buttes.
It is their breath
faithful as the night blending into them.
Soon Bell Rock alone remains distinct, her full nipple
ready to drip its mineral milk down the smooth
slope of her breast to the gulch
where branches of a cypress skirt above 
the ground like the woman in Guanajuato 
who begged me
to buy a white carnation for my wife. 

Fields of dwarf primroses 
glow and shake in the dark, like a bed frame 
of the newly married.
I look up at Venus dulling the checkerboard 

of stars, and feel a chill

catch in my back, as if a cold blade

had found the spine. 
I sit down in the dark; the insect’s 
guttural grate vibrates in my body
as do the junipers’ silhouettes, their wild gestures
so quiet, finally, in postures of relief.

This Morning’s Dark Rain

This morning’s dark rain 
buds on the tips of branches, sunlight 
taking shape in these pendants
the way the flamelight from the candles 
illuminated your hair and eyes 
the night before you left 
on a journey to the Mohave where the straggly
Larrea endures, its roots sprawling 
outward for thousands of years to bind 
the earth under the desert. You will sit before 
this ancient bush until you learn
that patience is a feeling 
that shifts with the winds the way 
sands drift into forms 
that cannot be predicted—such is the heartbeat
that pulses between bodies at rest
and in the fanned petals of ardor.

Pilot Light

I spend mornings shadowing 
the pilot 
light; it flickers against the heat 
stone in the gas fireplace; the flame bows
and drifts one way, 
then another,
from a wind of its own shaping.
Sometimes I turn up the thermostat.
The heating element blazes 
open, clarifies the carnelian underside 
of the curved stone—
it glows like rock arches 
at sunset, or a campfire 
as night falls.

I’m invited to sit and listen 
among the broad-faced peoples 
of the desert, to stories 
of the morning, how
the world glistens
in a tree’s veins, and blushes 
along the escarpment rims 
where jackrabbits stand up to acknowledge 
beginnings and ends. 

When the wine is done,
we rouse. The black night 
opens its hearth, a fleck of moon funneling us 
up the slope to our tents, entrances 
facing northeast where ridgelight 
breaks from darkness
and reveals a fluted sky 
we must all climb if we are to go 
forward from absent 
leaves into the harsh light of summer. 

It is then, hidden things disclose 
themselves, insects begin to hum, 
and the black-spotted 
lichen, that rings 
the flats of rocks become a map
to the labyrinth we spend our lives
seeking entrance to.

We mumble goodnight.
I close the tent flap.
My friends have put away 
their azure and turquoise jewelry,
settled into their beds as I will do,
our lives linked by more than story 
or shared blankets, the stutter-steps 
of our dreams arcing 
into the course of the river, 
tracing natural cairns
to a shore where there is no longer any need
to cry out to one another.

Desert Praise

White birch and aspen,
fir and willow and pine,
outcroppings that give the earth 
shape, rock, your salmons
and grays, your yellow and blue
lichen and your red, the plant in your crotch,
the grassy plot on top 
and the hidden reach of its roots.
Fish that give colors names,
the needles of pine from afar
that provide the tree its earth,
the mountain air and my breath,
spot to lie down on by the creek,
lonely yarrow flower
thinking it’s spring.
And you, too, desert and all dry things,
piñon and juniper, sagebrush
and bottle brush, lizard on the windowsill,
grasshopper with only one hind leg,
the sky that asks for nothing,
the stones in the road, the white-tails
plunging into brush,
the red birch along Secco Creek
and the late sun that glows at its tips,
the red grasses, the golden grasses,
the sycamore’s open arms
and the oaks, leaves that do not fall
and the buds at the nips,
the ants who have closed their gates
too early and wait in their hills like people before a fire,
the arroyo and the canyons, the powdered
desert and the hard, the basalt and the quartz,
I praise the dry rivers and the wet,
my father who is dead
and my mother who is not,
the lover who guides and the lover 
who does not, the broad mesas
and being alone and loneliness which is its opposite.
I praise the wind that pricks the ears of things.

Jonah Bornstein has taught poetry and creative writing at several universities in New York City, Oregon, and now University of Denver. Jonah co-founded and directed the Ashland Writers Conference (1997-2002) and directed the International Writers Series at Southern Oregon University. His poetry collections include The Art of Waking and A Path Through Stone, as well as three chapbooks, “Mortar,”“Treatise on Emptiness,”and“We Are Built of Light.” Publications include poems in Prairie Schooner, Wallawa Journal, and The West Wind Review. He lives in Denver with his wife, the artist Rebecca Gabriel. 

Frank Coons

Interspecies Encounter Question

It’s not a crime
to walk this path
through late winter
snow in this open space
on the edge of the city
though I’m blatantly
stealing time wandering
through the mind-fog
of last week’s muddle
when I should pay
tribute to the soft
carpet of white
underneath and that’s
when I see the three
who no doubt
eyed me
who knows 
how long ago
two on my left
and one on my right
keeping equidistant
and quiet
they’re nervous eyes
watching watching
and yes I know
they are unlikely to
mistake me as prey
yet some ancient part
of my amygdala
is navigating fight/
flight parameters
and perhaps
but who really knows
maybe their gray matter
is doing much the same
because we sentient beings
treasure survival
and are destined to calculate
and recalculate odds
so I walk and they
walk until a teen
on a fat-wheeled bike
rolls up yelling
do you see them
do you see them
and like that they’re
off on spindly legs
soundlessly disappear
one looking back just once
I wonder
will they catalogue
like me
this interchange under
interspecies interaction
and wonder
what the fuck
just happened

Tribulations of the Mockingbird

Does the mockingbird
ever forget
how his own song sounds?

Gifted with pliable voice,
he prattles on, mimicking
screech owl and hawk—
it pays to know an assassin’s catchphrase.

Chickadee and phoebe come easy—
staccato syllables repeated ad nauseum.
Same with crow and wood pee wee.

But some birds must drive him crazy.
Like the multisyllabic meadowlark
or solitaire and the rabble warblers

who blare various arias, canticles
and madrigals in the pale blue air of spring,
over and over in varying renditions—

like an ostinato or a Phillip Glass opus
and no wonder the bird sits sometimes
mute on a branch pretending to be deaf.

To the Universe, a Million Years is a Long Crazy Weekend

The dove-gray Morrison soil,
half clay, half gravel,
conceals the evidence
of long-dead behemoths.

A word not chosen lightly,
but the size of bleached bones
and teeth and the reconstructed
museum specimens speak truth
to what’s gone missing.

I walk on bedrock
that once held effluvia
on the edge of an inland sea,
where palms towered over
a tangle of vines and creatures
of enormous proportions
roamed the swamps.

What I see now
is stunted greasewood and sage
on a landscape of scarcity.
A quarrelsome crow
and a five-inch lizard,
(who could both be descendants
of the giants)
are the only animation.

The mind shutters at geologic time,
an oldness hard to fathom.
But I can’t help but wonder,
long after the Anthropocene is over,
what the next iteration
might look like.

Proteus in the Rocky Mountains

Hiking through rarified air on the cusp of tree line,
I saw a worn man on a roan mare, visage
of a previous century, all muslin and leather
and burden and asked him to where he traveled.

In a voice born of gravel and tobacco, he said,
to find that changeling Proteus in his lair,
just where the water gathers above the avens,
from a thousand runnels.

But so mobile, so malleable is the old king,
he’d determined that the searching was the thing,
and not the finding. By this, I gathered
he was just some fool gone wandering,

and probably more vagabond than philosopher.
Against my better self, I determined to follow
him at a distance up the rock-strewn path, in search
of such sea monsters and water gods as might

be found this high.  Through the day, we climbed
until the tarns were small as mirrored moons
and the tundra, bog-like. I followed the horse-
shoe prints of a rider on a mission until I spied him

lighting kindlin for his fire. Pause, now reader 
if you will, but there beside him, a beast I find 
even now at a loss to describe, but it was a lion
head and serpent tail he had, that morphed

as he talked, in both color and form like some
chameleon—man, god, creature, who spoke
in a voice of rain, waterfall, vapor, streams too small
to bear a name, and the oceans they drained to.

Believe it if you will, or not and beware the wanderer
who seeks a myth.  Some find what others won’t,
Poseidon’s son, I insist, was here where water
is birthed before it runs.

Frank H. Coons is a poet and veterinarian living in Colorado. He is the author of three books of poetry. His first book, Finding Cassiopeia, published in 2014, was a finalist for the Colorado Book Awards. His second book, Counting in Dog Years was published in 2016.  Both were published by Lithic Press. The third, A Flash of Yellow Wing, was published in 2021 from Orchard Street Press. His work has appeared in Caesura, Pinyon Review, Evening Street Press, Plainsongs, Pensive Journal, Santa Fe Literary Review, Pacific Review, and elsewhere. He was nominated for a Pushcart prize in 2019.

Sharon Corcoran

Mountains and Clouds

Made for each other, in the way that
opposites attract, mountains in their solidity,
stolid and unmoving despite illusions of advance and retreat, 
while clouds work their magic in movement and change, 
draping the rocky shoulders with snowy capes, 
diffusing dawn sun through their scrim, 
sneaking like smoke from behind, 
mimicking peaks’ profiles like a tease.
The sharpest peaks stir up lenticulars,
flattened like caps for protection,
or haloes for glorification, God’s palms
descended in blessing.  At night
there’s more of the same, but for moon
and its magnification.  And if there’s a window
facing the scene, and a pair of eyes
looking on, something like this arises—
words wondering 
what to make of it all.

Sharon Corcoran lives in southern Colorado. She translated (from French) the writings of North African explorer Isabelle Eberhardt in the works In the Shadow of Islam and Prisoner of Dunes published by Peter Owen Ltd., London. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in River Styx, Canary, The Buddhist Poetry Review, One Art, Sisyphus, Literary North, and Bearings Onlineamong other journals. She is the author of two books of poetry, Inventory (2018, KDP) and The Two Worlds (2021, Middle Creek Publishing).

Amy Wray Irish

The Crime of the Poem

after Douglas Kearney

The poem stormed your defenses
in an angry mob of words.

The poem slipped into your dark
and rearranged the furniture.

Invited into your home, the poem played
with matches.

Invited to your table, the poem devoured
the decorative flowers.

The poem lurched against you in the subway
and picked your pockets.

The poem pressed against you for one steamy moment
leaving you aching and wanting.

Stretching out its languorous language, 
the poem sold itself for anyone to undress.

Kidnapping a body of language
the poem strip-searched history.

Searching for hidden pockets of decay
to expose, to diagnose, the poem

Turned you—turned us all—into bystanders
of this dissection.  The crime of the poem

Came when it made us chose 
to be voyeurs complicit in the violation,

Or archivists delicately digging in the dark.


Hindsight takes time—
for tearing down, tearing apart, 
getting a look at the hidden 
inner workings. Like 

The Henry Ford Museum. 1999.
A massive collection of Americana 
that I took by mistake 
for greatness. Its sheer volume 

Awed me. Dizzied me into
submission. But in the unfiltered light 
of hindsight I find a scattershot 
attempt at history, a fractured 

Narrative of national pride 
thrown together and piled
in a hoarder’s tangled maze 
of dead-end aisles. And

Any entry allowing exit steered 
all captured souls 
past a single Lincoln Continental, 
that vehicle of JFK’s death.  

Repainted, reupholstered, returned.
Driven by other presidents for years,
worn like a symbol of victory in battle. 
Not bothering to cover up its violence. 

It wasn’t even roped off, there 
in the so-called museum— 
a painted line parted the floor.  
I could still see the bullet 

Holes, could have reached out 
and touched their impact. In 2020, 
at last, I see that I was invited 
to do so, to cross that literal

Line. To enter the exit wound. 
In 2020, I still see too many believing 
the mangled heap of history, reaching 
into the breach to become 

That jagged body. To get a taste.
When more should walk away

The Art Critic Clarifies Why Their Marriage/Show Closed

Because the wife flowered, fresh as a smooth-skinned Matisse
and the husband splintered, rending open dark as an Ernst.

Because the man exploded in a Pollock detonation of brain and blood,
while the woman arose in a liquid curve of sweet Chagall.

Because lady opened stamen and pistil, a pastel-petaled O’Keeffe;
the gentleman withered, grew spindle-legged, a charcoal-smudged Redon.

Because she was a cathedral, a river, a lily abloom at dawn.
And he was as shattered as a Guernica—broken, burning, burned.

The Fabric of the Feminine

after ‘Four Purple Velvet Bathrobes’ by Beverly Semmes


A queen’s plush garb. Stitched 
in duplicate, for the royalty 

Of domestic moments. Delicious 
velvet, sweet and far too rich

Against the skin, the lips—
she never said Let them eat cake.

Her mouth was far too full
of her lust and fabric and mistakes.


Mother shoulders the robe with a shudder 
as others depart for the day.
She stands frozen, framed in the door,
like the faded pictures she displays.

Like her infamous honeymoon 
at the crime-scene-photo lake
where drowning and waving
grew indistinguishable.


The liquid cloth waterfalls, swirls,
gathers in a still, dark pool
thick with fishy sirens.

Indigo-skinned housewives,
hair plush as a 50’s settee,
recline, drink in hand.

The velvet alcohol they sip
tints their lips plum
like cold corpses under ice.

From the depths come their murky 
murmuration. Their queenly
smiles and waves.


Unholy robes claim us, one by one.
But there’s still a single cloak
of uncertain ceremony
set aside for you.

Amy Wray Irish grew up near Chicago, received her MFA from the University of Notre Dame, and now resides in the foothills of Colorado. Her recent work can be found in local anthologies like Chiaroscuro (Northern Colorado Writers); national journals like Stone Gathering (Danielle Dufy Publishing); and online journals like Twenty Bellows ( Irish’s third chapbook, Breathing Fire, won the 2020 Fledge Competition and was published by Middle Creek Press in 2021. To read more of her work, go to

Melody Jones

My First Love

Turning my back on the crowded grit and crush
of humanity and hulking metal, still
the bluest of skies, the biggest of skies
            (you don’t have a monopoly on the biggest of skies, Montana)
Welcomed me most days when I paid attention, but
    the first order of business was to 
Evade Death by City
            (even a Colorado city)
and go home,
Return home. I love you, Palisade.

The bluest of skies
The biggest of skies
Escorts me back, and exhausted
            tears drive me
Peach orchards, and now vineyards not present in my youth greet me
            Look at your old home/new home/good-to-be-home
Welcome home
It’s been time.


Oh, there are reasons to smoke
    and 50s movie glamour in boxed black and white
    plus James Dean regaled in wrinkled brow
            and lip-dangled cigarette

But back to camping
Somewhere on the west side
    in the dry of my childhood days
            and indiscriminate brushing through Colorado foliage
were tiny branch passengers, waiting
just waiting
    for the tender smooth skin under straggled blonde hair, a hiding place, sheltered

But not secret enough from mom’s eagle eye
And dad’s adept use of his own
            lip-dangled cigarette
    to dissuade that tick – urgently – from 
    permanent domicile behind my right ear

Good reasons.

Melody Jones resides in Grand Junction, Colorado, recently returned to the Western Slope after 30 years in Denver. She is published in Stories Gathered at the Kitchen Table. First Vice-President of the Denver Woman’s Press Club from 2019-2021, she now serves as President of the Western Colorado Writers’ Forum. Melody is currently working on a poetry collection. Visit her website at

Marjorie Power

While My Husband Explores Colorado Railroad History

A man at the counter asks for the book Dave read
He goes on speaking, quietly, laughs a laugh 
you’d hear past the edge of town.

The librarian, jolly in Crayola, 
rubber-stamps his find. Out he clomps 
to his high clearance vehicle.

A mother of two spills in with four 
who pile like puppies on the librarian
who laughs a laugh you’d hear past the edge.

Three computers, three users plus a next-in-line. 
And look – a card catalog! – revered elder, 
rich silence, trunk of a thick tree.

Across the street stands a small stone house,
windows framed in age. Someone 
has put on a new roof to help weather slide.

          In the yard 
               aspens shimmer 
          like hesitant belly dancers

                    lit by late afternoon
                         sun. Many of the leaves 
                    already undone.

                              Each thin branch, 
                                   delicate inscription
                              on a vast blaze of blue.

Marjorie Power’s newest full-length poetry collection is Sufficient Emptiness (Deerbrook Editions, 2021). A chapbook, Refuses to Suffocate, appeared from Blue Lyra Press in 2019. Southern Poetry Review, Barrow Street, Caesura, The Raven’s Perch and Commonweal have used her work recently. She and her husband lived in Denver (his home town) from 2015 to 2020 and have since moved to Rochester, New York, to live near their son and his family. 

Andrew Schelling

Huge Cloudy Symbols of a High Romance

Keats & Shelley, & the lot of ’em
said many things, & said ’em well

but never stood to gaze 
upon a stone
game-drive wall, splotched with black lichen
curling down a rock-strewn hogback pass
            towards talus.
Scant rain, much ice
            the Continent divides.

Thousand years ago
someone lined an oval pit with slabs of rock.
Here’s the shock-blue alpine 
            tiny yellow pistils
and used the pits for what?
            roofed with thatch to hide the hunters?
or shamans sang the bighorn in?
in trance state sounds called forth—

At this elevation many ways one has to call forth sound—
chant the six great
                             odes of Keats
hunch in the pit
finger the living spearshaft.
Stiff wind from West, shreds the spoke-out words.
Tender is the night
it all hides in the hyphen
skyline one long hazy pall of smoke.

On the wind
blows all that burning oak
              drawn in from California.                             [Chittendon Mountain, August 2021]

Andrew Schelling, poet, translator, essay writer, has published twenty-odd books. Among recent titles is the folkloric account of bohemian poets, linguists, and wilderness encounters, Tracks Along the Left Coast: Jaime de Angulo & Pacific Coast Culture. Recent poetry title is The Facts at Dog Tank Spring, and for translation, with Anne Waldman a new edition of Songs of the Sons & Daughters of Buddha. He teaches at Naropa University.

Issue 5: May 2022

Artwork by Sarah Sajbel

Beth Franklin, John Knoll, Brian Palmer,
Renée Ruderman, and Leath Tonino

© 2022 Bristlecone


Bristlecone welcomes poems from writers of the Mountain West region. The editors are especially eager to read poems that reflect the region’s various cultures and landscapes, although we have no restrictions in mind regarding subject matter. Our main concerns are with the quality of the work and the cultivation of a regional community of poets and poetry lovers.

Submissions are accepted year-round. Please adhere to all of the following guidelines:

  • Submit 3 to 5 unpublished poems in a single Word attachment (no poems in the body of an email) to: Submissions with more than 5 poems will not be considered.
  • Poems posted on blogs and social media are considered published. Simultaneous submissions are fine as long as you let us know right away if the work is accepted elsewhere.
  • Use a header on at least the first page of your submission that includes your:
  • Name as you wish it to appear in the journal
  • Mailing address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Website address (if you have one)
  • Phone number
  • Submission should be in .doc or .docx file format (no .rtf or .pdf)
  • Times New Roman 12 pt. font—titles in bold and not all caps
  • Flush left alignment except for drop-lines, internal spaces within lines, and any other special formatting your poem requires
  • 100-word maximum bio at the end of the submission; same guideline for translator bio(s). Feel free to provide live links to your website.

After publication, all rights revert to the individual Bristlecone authors. We consider simultaneous submissions but please let us know immediately if something you’ve submitted to us has been accepted elsewhere.

The Editors: Joseph Hutchison, Jim Keller, Sandra S. McRae, and Murray Moulding 

Beth Franklin

Returning to San Francisco


Lines from “Accidentals” in
Old Man Laughing, by Robert W. King

When my sister asks me to go to San Francisco,
I hesitate. But go.  In an outdoor café,  
settled at a French iron table, a demitasse of espresso

held in his left hand, a sharpened pencil in his right, 
Bob begins the lines of a love poem. He contemplates two  
Japanese poets, both named Takahashi. Shinkichi’s world:  

a  Zen sparrow, a serene flower,  a peach’s emotion. 
Mutsuo’s an autumn darkness, a father’s longing, the hunger of a child.
Bob writes, fire engines sirening around him.

Taxi cabs blare at slow-moving cars, 
a crowd of people pass in front.  
Amidst this chaos, he considers Mutsuo,

whose book he accidently brought along, 
and the woman he loves:  
…who sleeps back in our room, beautiful 
even more because it’s afternoon…

Walking uphill with my sister, I think about that first book 
that made Bob the writer he wanted to be. Five years revising, 
a month-long stay at McGregor’s Cabin #6,  ten essays 

about West Hope, his grandfather’s loss of a grocery business,
two defeated homesteading attempts, his mother’s sadness 
at her mother’s sudden death, far away from the sister 

she loved. But his poet self also wrote about the Big South  
he saw as Chinese landscape, Dadd Gulch, a stock trail of yellowing aspen,  
the abandoned town of Manhattan, a vision of ghost gold.

My sister and I walk through the green-tiled pagoda gate
into Chinatown. Red festival lanterns swing above us.
Her young grandson is still asleep in our hotel room. 

Vendors sell packages of dried persimmon.  Firecrackers
explode, drums pound.  Ribs sizzling on outdoor grills.  
People celebrate the end of Chinese New Year.

Shinkichi aside, Bob chose to write 
about the woman he loved, 
 a woman composed primarily of sunlight.

I read both Takahashis, found next to each other 
on the cabin bookshelf.  His margin notes, penciled lines, 
dog-eared pages trace the clues of his mind.

I think about the man I loved,  
thinking about the woman he loved, 
asleep in our hotel room.


The worst thing you can imagine has already
Zipped up its coat and is heading back
Up the road to wherever it came from. 

―Tracy K. Smith, from “No Fly Zone”

Waking up, asleep since 2 a.m., 
a small pain in my left shoulder reminds me
I am alive.

A cool breeze in my room,  
the moon visible through a cracked window
of the old garage.

The dream is always the same:
I am walking alone up a road,
to wherever it came from.

Houses are visible,
curtains mask the lives inside.
Old women stand quietly with children

on the side of a dusty road.
A small brown sign materializes,
the words are blurred. 

Two photos from our first year of marriage,
appear on a table next to a bed.
In one, I am smiling next to a blooming 

pink bougainvillea in Sevilla.
In another, I am a reflection 
in a restaurant window in Segovia,

famous for serving roasted leg of pork.
I walk around a large pond. The goslings 
have grown large. The rabbitbrush 

is in full bloom. A red-winged blackbird
sits carefully on purple penstemon.
I do not breathe. I do not feel joy.

At the edge of the water, a child fishes
with her father.

Beth Franklin, poet, painter, is the Executive Director of the Colorado Poets Center. In her role as Director, Franklin coordinates and sponsors in-person and virtual poetry readings; the Robert W. King Poetry Prize, a yearly contest for the high school students in the Greeley-Evans School District 6; and publishes The Colorado Poet newsletter. She is professor emerita at the University of Northern Colorado, where she prepared pre-service teachers in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education. A passionate believer in the importance of poetry, Franklin is dedicated to developing and supporting local and global poetry projects. She lives in Boulder, Colorado.

John Knoll

Black and White

Can’t play a right note on my piano
Can’t play a wrong note
All the keys are drunk
And I’m in a window
Smoking a cigarette
Looking down into a wet street
Wondering if I should go out
And buy me a coffin
The Blue Moon’s open late tonight
And I’ve got a few dollars to blow
So it’s howling down 4TH Street
Singing songs that make no sense
Staggering in the rain
Getting soaking wet
Happy as a stand-up bass
In a Miles Davis quartet

At the Center of the Universe

Up in the air
7,250 feet above the sea
in New Mexico’s
Rio Arriba County
with East L.A.vato
Richard Marquez
throwing signs 
on the corner of
unnamed road and
unnamed road
A baby doe appears
Richard says
“Hello little one
you’re very beautiful
I wish I had something
to give you
but I just ate my
ice cream and
I don’t think I
should give you my
chile chips
they might make you
run all night”
The doe freezes
ears alert
like she understands
Silence passes
between them
Eternity temporarily
unravels its knots
The doe turns
to leave
“Wait a minute”
Richard whispers
“Don’t leave
I have something else
to tell you”
The doe stops
turns looks
Richard’s voice
tender music now
like a grandfather
talking to his grandchild
“My name is Richard
little one
remember me in the
spirit world”
The doe twitches
her ears
disappears in
the woods
Richard’s words echo
Remember me
Remember me

The Wind Has Seven Colors

Four members of the Native American Church gather wood on Skull Mountain’s south slope. They chop wood with long handle axes. Tomas, an old Taos Indian, supervises the ritual cutting of oak and elm, making sure the wood is the correct length, so everything will be just
right for the peyote ceremony.

“The mountain should not hear machines on a day like this,” Tomas says.

The mountain’s silence broken by the sound of chainsaws about fifty yards down the mountain. Tomas could see a pickup with Texas plates and two men, cutting wood, partying with their girlfriends, drinking beer.

He walks down the mountain and asks them to move to another part of the forest. “Why don’t you guys go over there,” he says, pointing to the heavily forested eastern slope. “’I’d appreciate it if you guys would move over there because we are preparing for a special time and the mountain doesn’t  like to hear machines on a day like this.”

“Go to hell, old man,” one of the women yells out.

He walks back down the mountain, picks up an axe, says, “Those people down there won’t listen. They don’t understand our ways.”

Tomas and his companions chop wood and gather wood for another hour. No chainsaw roar from below. A haunting silence.  A presence.  “The wind now has seven colors,” Tom says.

After loading the wood they get in the pickup and drive down the mountain towards Taos Pueblo. The drive past the white guys who are bent over their chainsaws. They pull the starter cords and curse, pull and curse but the chainsaws won’t start.

Tomas waves as they drive past. “You guys have a good day,” he says. Immediately the chainsaws start to run.

John  Knoll has authored six poetry books, two plays-written with Joe Speer-  a  CD, featuring John Macker and an environmental  jazz radio play, If You Rape My Mama I Will Kill You, with music by Zimbabwe En Kenya. His poems have appeared in a variety of magazines, including Beatitude and Exquisite Corpse.  He performs his poetry with jazz and rock musicians, most notably The Jack Kerouac Band, Nuclear Trout and Ground Zero.

Brian Palmer

Yes, Then I’ll Go

Still. Then suddenly the herd is thundering
over plains as one whole formless cloud 
that when it meets a yellow hill reticulates
to pounding hot crisscrossing trails of dust 
rejoining with wild tumult at the top
where all is gone in one last smoky whorl 
that spins, lifts, fades into a boundless blue.

A disappearance I’ll make someday, too.

I’ll go, go up from this dry August wash 
back to the ocean sky and leave behind 
this desiccating piece of earth that is 
my body-shell.
                          But will I ever find
myself beyond that dissolution into—?

For now, I’ll take the distance of tomorrow, 
the pain of waiting for a quenching rain,
and later leave this lonely, lovely field 
whose antelope have fled so recently.

Yes, then I’ll go like them, away, away.

I Once Sat by a Sumac in the West

I once sat by a sumac in the west
insisting to exist in a remote 
dry corner at the crux of four fenced fields.

It lived just past a scattered pole corral
behind an empty hay-roofed loafing shed,
its three-toothed autumn leaves had turned to red.

The memory of that ember-plant revives
in me a spirit that’s been sleeping, waking
now as daylight smolders into dusk.

Clear marble dawn will find me flying down
the windy streams of lonely backroads looking
for leaves unfurling green, refiring

the West, that masterwork enduring even
in the ramshackle middle of nowhere.

Brian Palmer was raised in the Midwest, lived for several years in the Pacific Northwest (which he still visits regularly), but has spent most of his life in various regions of Colorado, each one marvelously unique. He finds great satisfaction in writing poetry, and he’s the editor of THINK: A Journal of Poetry, Fiction, and Essays.

Renée Ruderman

Dreaming of the Dead

It’s not             that they don’t want to speak              the dead
They do                                         but they move mostly mutely
although sometimes I hear             the drone of their double bass
from the longest string            or the murmur of water over stone
They hide sometimes                             in a field of high grasses
or help me with a move                              lifting a heavy couch
Some dress in white caftans                                and drive badly
Some point at streets without signposts                 when I’m lost
It’s true                                        they seem surprised at nothing
And they rarely smile or hug
but some lie in my bed                       bequeathing me company.


I want to sway in a hammock
for a while, 
feather clouds 
with my eyelashes.

I want to accompany
the crow chorus,
blowing notes to heaven
on my flute.

I want a pageant of air
in my throat, 
the dazzle
of berries 
on my tongue.

I want to read reclined
in the fashion of rabbis,
turning pages I have marked
up with dots, carets,

I want the release 
to begin in my jaw:
unleash the hinges
unfasten the tendons
unravel this body 
to the morning moon,
the interminable stars,
to embryonic galaxies;
let me fill with
a wave good-bye
to the harbor.

Renée Ruderman is a recently retired English professor from Metropolitan State University of
Denver who has two published books, another forthcoming, a few prizes, numerous
publications, and a black cat.

Leath Tonino

Dawn Walk

I would stop
the beat of blood,

the brush of breath.
the thousand pebbles

of thought crunching
softly beneath these boots,
would step from the trail
and stop my living,
this lifelong blinking,
to be here 
dead a time
in listening.
To be here hearing
as the gray log
hears the soil
it becomes,
as the pond
beneath the geese
hears the floating feathers
once the geese have flown,
as the cloud
over the peak
hears the sky’s blue
pressing from the east.
To be here watching
with the ears of leaves
that last of me
ghost on away.

Leath Tonino is a freelance writer publishing prose and poetry in Orion, The Sun, Tricycle, High Country News, Outside, and elsewhere. He is the author of two essay collections about the outdoors, both with Trinity University Press: The Animal One Thousand Miles Long (2018) and The West Will Swallow You (2019).

Issue 6: July 2022

Photo of Bristlecone Pine on Mount Blue Sky

Photo by Sandra S. McRae

Poems by
Alice Dugan Goble, Ron McFarland, Oliver Scofield,
K. Blasco Solér, and Lisa Zimmerman

© 2022 Bristlecone


Bristlecone welcomes poems from writers of the Mountain West region. The editors are especially eager to read poems that reflect the region’s various cultures and landscapes, although we have no restrictions in mind regarding subject matter. Our main concerns are with the quality of the work and the cultivation of a regional community of poets and poetry lovers.

Submissions are accepted year-round. Please adhere to all of the following guidelines:

  • Submit 3 to 5 unpublished poems in a single Word attachment (no poems in the body of an email) to: Submissions with more than 5 poems will not be considered.
  • Poems posted on blogs and social media are considered published. Simultaneous submissions are fine as long as you let us know right away if the work is accepted elsewhere.
  • Use a header on at least the first page of your submission that includes your:
  • Name as you wish it to appear in the journal
  • Mailing address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Website address (if you have one)
  • Phone number
  • Submission should be in .doc or .docx file format (no .rtf or .pdf)
  • Times New Roman 12 pt. font—titles in bold and not all caps
  • Flush left alignment except for drop-lines, internal spaces within lines, and any other special formatting your poem requires
  • 100-word maximum bio at the end of the submission; same guideline for translator bio(s). Feel free to provide live links to your website.

After publication, all rights revert to the individual Bristlecone authors. We consider simultaneous submissions but please let us know immediately if something you’ve submitted to us has been accepted elsewhere.

The Editors: Joseph Hutchison, Jim Keller, Sandra S. McRae, and Murray Moulding

Alice Dugan Goble

Clear Creek – February

The middle is open, and ice bricks knock and swirl.
Channels run through slab ice in sunny spots,
frozen bubbles from turbulence stop time. 

Snowflakes float toward ground, 
then gone. Slant sun through skims of ice 
makes gold-lit wavering lines on stones. 

Light and water agree about beauty. 

Walking west, ice sheets curl near banks, 
cut back in on themselves. We sit, 
creek level on sun-warmed granite.

Beneath the water, a singing. 
The creek never asks who will love it. 
Movement matters. Running toward. 

Alice Dugan Goble is a Colorado poet with a few published poems, a love for poetry, a huge family, and a busy life-coaching business. The stunning natural beauty of Colorado is often her inspiration.

Ron McFarland

National Backyard Bird Count

Following the seven-thirty flurry of birds
nothing, not so much as a ragged sparrow.

We’re half listening to a classic music channel,
Beethoven’s fifth violin sonata, “Spring,”

even though it’s only two-thirds through February,
so we’re being teased and we know it.

The online weather report threatens
snow by way of reprimand for

another tour-de-force in self-delusion.
Local papers have ceased deliveries

leaving us vulnerable to the vagaries of
television and online news when it comes

to keeping up with various wars and assorted
calamities. We’re both of us almost eighty,

that time of life when for truly important news
one must rely on poetry or birds.

An Elation of Birds

He dreamed that morning of a black-and-white bird
that might’ve been a magpie but probably wasn’t.

It crept along a bare branch of the scarlet hawthorn
suspended over two feet of crusted snow catlike

toward the birdseed snowman who hung there
from his twine tether gently rocking in the wind,

attracting nuthatches, black-capped chickadees,
juncos, and the day before, a gold-splashed oriole.

He woke to a chorus of birds singing their hearts out
and a hungry squirrel poised to leap at the snowman

where he swayed beige-bodied under his black
top hat, silent and vulnerable, ready to serve.

Wind rang music from the chimes on the porch,
but no one seemed to be in a dancing mood, not 

nuthatch, junco, chickadee, squirrel, nor snowman
coal-black-eyed, four-black-buttoned, black-mittened,
thin-red-mufflered, hanging from his taut twine noose.

Prey Animals

Oh, the neighbor’s cat’s a real killer,
slays newborn rabbits, occasionally a young
careless squirrel, pursues the quail
we think of as our quail although we
have no proof of ownership.
Her cat’s a tom named Tom
after her ex, “a cad” to hear her tell it.

He now lives out in the county
with two black labs his neighbors say
raise hell with their chickens.
He shoots pheasant over his dogs.
“Dogs should run free,” he insists.
“Chickens should be kept in coops.”
He never cared for cats.

We hiss away our neighbor’s cat
when we catch him sneaking over,
but he’s a stealthy predator,
proof of which we can document
readily in myriad feathers.
But we like our neighbor, a kind and
lovely woman opposed to human violence.

One day, or night more likely, her tom
will slip away, cross Mountainview
and foray into the wheatfields
on the edge of town in search of
dietary variety in the form of voles.
Coyotes lullaby us sometimes late at night.
They are not known to be vegetarians.

The Hummingbird and the Cranky Old Man

The hummingbird buzzed the old man’s ear
and whirred her way to the pollen-packed beebalm
blooming magenta early that year.

The old fellow muttered and quaffed his cold beer
as the bird whirred past with nary a qualm
buzzing once more his half deaf ear.

The feathery feeder posed without fear,
sipped blossom to blossom, utterly calm,
while the geezer guzzled his glass of warm beer

and consigned himself to uncertain cheer,
his life having dimmed to a sorrowful psalm.
He’d watered the beebalm early that year,

so this tiny green guest, unbidden, drew near
to establish her nest as a brief summer home
and offer this codger a buzz of good cheer.

Yes, the hummingbird buzzed the old man’s ear,
bold and insouciant, and flew up quite near
to tell the old fogy he had nothing to fear
if he watered his flowers and stuck to his beer.

Ron McFarland, Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Idaho following 50+ years in academe, lives and writes in Moscow, Idaho. In 1984, he was named the state’s first Writer-in-Residence, a two-year position that involved ten readings and residencies all over the state.

Oliver Scofield

Mom’s Favorite Pastime

After Santee Frazier

Aspen march solemnly 
            into our fields
                        and Douglas fir
                                                            push through yarrow and last year’s grass.
                                                She smiles when she asks
            do you want to see the trees?
What she means is
            do I want to spend a few hours 
                        pulling weeds?
                                    Her floppy straw hat
                        elbow patched shirt
            ripped leather gloves
and faded bandana 
            gather around her.
                        We walk into our field
                                    and pull weeds.
                        You would not believe what Luther
            did last week.
Bend, grab, twist, pull.
            Neighborhood frustrations
                        also need pruning. 
                                    And the 60 acres behind Miller’s
                        was bought, did you see
            the No Trespassing signs?
Bend, grab, twist, pull.
            Toad Flax gathers
                        in dirty piles.
                                    We find a new tree,
                        place a stake to mark 
            this brave young soul.
Bend, grab, twist, pull.
            Also the foxes have a new den
                        we haven’t seen any kits
                                    but the mom 
                        took a chicken
            carcass from my compost.
Bend, grab, twist, pull.
Harriers order
                        the meadowlark’s
                                    and tree swallow’s
                        silence. Ours too
            for a skyward  minute.
Bend, grab, twist, pull.
            Oh my god! The thistle is soo
                        bad this year
                                    but I’ve pretty much cleared
                        between my driveway
            and the gully.
We squat amid tall grasses
            twisting out invasives, look east
                        worn barns, forest’s edge
                                    then the Tetons
                        stare back.
            It is a good day to talk
and pull weeds.

In Defense of Whatever Happens Next

After Laura Da


Faint wagon tracks
lead away from Felt
along Bull Elk creek
across meadows
up a switchback.

Then, the Hollingshead homestead
buildings adrift 
in waves of foothills
crumpling against 
lodgepole shores.

Aspen nestle
edge two-track
cover themselves in spring. 
The wagon rests 
under hand-hewn planks
supplies yet unloaded. 

Miles and Karl
on the threshold
looking like the barns 
they have built
grey, stooped, worn.

Going forward looking back
hay falls in lines, spiraling inward
to catch Miles on the iron seat, horses fore:
the prow breaking sea of timothy.

He keeps scythe swathes smooth
through dips and over the ridge. 
Snap of reins, red tail’s shriek
            against that symphonic swish
of grass slipping sideways.

Down the valley
clouds, dark and heavy
            push east
            slight flashes 
            will pass below
they stay dry-docked another day.

Karl sharpens axes in the forge
wooden handles clamped in a vice
file scrape matching his breath.

A broken window pane
            like a sunrise yet to come
            condenses light onto the silver gleam
            of fresh metal.

The file pushes forward
axehead ground slowly back.III.

In October’s first snow
I see them most clearly
ancestors through thick flakes
they move 
                        with wind
            among cabins
and along the ridge.

I give their actions
calm urgency
as if they must achieve
autumn’s chores
before the tattered aspen


In October’s first snow
I see them most clearly
ancestors through thick flakes
they move 
                        with wind
            among cabins
and along the ridge.

I give their actions
calm urgency
as if they must achieve
autumn’s chores
before the tattered aspen


Each building burrows
in two feet of snow
whistling hollowly
wood stoves cold
and empty of ash.

Stakes poke through
            the drifts
haphazard seedlings
of Doug fir and lodgepole.

Come spring
we won’t till 
and plant these fields
but watch the forest 
slowly reclaim its own.

I ski to the forge
past an old Toyota
buried to its wheel wells
trundle open the door
coughing into the musty
scent of mouse droppings
            and sawdust
I pull a file from a drawer
clamp my axe in the vice
and breathe out

Oliver Scofield is an MFA student at Northern Arizona University studying poetry and environmental narrative. He grew up on an old homestead near the Idaho-Wyoming border. He currently works as a Wilderness ranger for the Forest Service during the summer and splits his time between Montana and Arizona. 

K. Blasco Solér

Mutability of Water

Its mutability / its ability to be both airy and almost weightless and so very deep and burdensome on branches and rooftops / covering everything / both insulating and deadly / fragments of water that make immensity / the lightness of so many geometric feathers / fractals / fierce gentleness / soft / soft / soft / disappearing as gently and powerfully as it came melting to water / to sky / to fall to falls and streams down mountainsides and ravines and into roots and stems into bodies / all bodies / and blanketing again come winter / impossibly heavy / smothering / white and so filled with gray ash and grit / trapping and bringing down all the particulates and smog / keeping it all through the hard winter / creepily still when not blowing all around in gale-force winds /

K. Blasco Solér is a poet and science writer from Alaska. She is an MFA candidate and adjunct creative writing instructor at Naropa University’s Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics in Boulder, Colorado.

Lisa Zimmerman

Answering the Question I Asked My Literature and Environment Students
on the Last Day of Class

Can a writer continue to celebrate what is beautiful on this planet,
even as it’s paved and poisoned and lost for all time?
—Kathleen Dean Moore

I will always argue for joy. I will argue for witnessing the tiny splendors of this fierce world, like the spider in the bathtub that startled me. Tiny splendor of spider and his right to be here. The rabbit chasing off the squirrel under the bird feeder. Little purple asters still alive after snow melted into leaf muck and the after-scatter of November wind. I will argue for the stately black-crowned night heron on the broken tree branch at dusk. I will argue for the full moon’s breath of light across the half-frozen lake where turtles and frogs hibernate in cold mud, their hearts slowed to an ancient rhythm of waiting. A rhythm I can almost feel as I swim toward sleep in the faint starlight that leans far and quiet against this side of the planet.

I say yes.

Why I Need Horses and What For

to see them move as smoke 
across the singing earth
to stand between me and all weather

to nicker from the stable 
under night’s black roof
to breathe against my anxious heart

to remind me how,
as a girl, I became a horse every day
cantering beyond the unfenced yard

far from the barn on fire
far from the bitter master

Lisa Zimmerman’s poems and short stories have appeared in many journals including Apple Valley Review, The Sun, Poet Lore, Cave Wall, Ghost Parachute, and Vox Populi. Her poems have been nominated for Best of the Net, the Orison Anthology, five times for the Pushcart Prize, and included in the 2020 Best Small Fictions anthology. Her poetry collections include How the Garden Looks from Here(winner of the Violet Reed Haas Award), The Light at the Edge of Everything (Anhinga Press), The Hours I Keep and Sainted (both from Main Street Rag). She’s a Professor of English and Creative Writing at the University of Northern Colorado and lives with her family in Fort Collins.

Issue 7: September 2022

Photo of Bristlecone Pine on Mount Blue Sky

Photo by Sandra S. McRae

Poems by
Maria Berardi, Patricia Dubrava, Donald Levering,
John Levy, Sandra McGarry, C. J. Rakay, and Christine Weeber

© 2022 Bristlecone


Bristlecone welcomes poems from writers of the Mountain West region. The editors are especially eager to read poems that reflect the region’s various cultures and landscapes, although we have no restrictions in mind regarding subject matter. Our main concerns are with the quality of the work and the cultivation of a regional community of poets and poetry lovers.

Submissions are accepted year-round. Please adhere to all of the following guidelines:

  • Submit 3 to 5 unpublished poems in a single Word attachment (no poems in the body of an email) to: Submissions with more than 5 poems will not be considered.
  • Poems posted on blogs and social media are considered published. Simultaneous submissions are fine as long as you let us know right away if the work is accepted elsewhere.
  • Use a header on at least the first page of your submission that includes your:
  • Name as you wish it to appear in the journal
  • Mailing address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Website address (if you have one)
  • Phone number
  • Submission should be in .doc or .docx file format (no .rtf or .pdf)
  • Times New Roman 12 pt. font—titles in bold and not all caps
  • Flush left alignment except for drop-lines, internal spaces within lines, and any other special formatting your poem requires
  • 100-word maximum bio at the end of the submission; same guideline for translator bio(s). Feel free to provide live links to your website.

After publication, all rights revert to the individual Bristlecone authors. We consider simultaneous submissions but please let us know immediately if something you’ve submitted to us has been accepted elsewhere.

The Editors: Joseph Hutchison, Jim Keller, Sandra S. McRae, and Murray Moulding

Bristlecone Icon

Maria Berardi

“Spirit is What Matter Does”

—Philip Pullman, The Secret Commonwealth

Ghost world, saint realm
won’t steer this rickety boat I helm.

It is in the verb of it.
The matter that is the same thing as energy

at a certain moment at a certain speed,
a moment that leaves time, ceases.

It is in the oxymoron, constant change,
the only sure thing we know,

right back to those first amino acids combining,
self-replicating, a first miracle.

And it is in the awareness of being aware
and the strangeness of this,

what bug in the programming is that,
what gift, what difficulty,

we animals that know and know that we know,
tortuous, abundance, 

benediction, a jest.
Our north star. A mess.

Our home,
we the guest.

A Sideways Wisdom

A sidelong glance.
“Eternity is in love 
with the productions of time,” 
said great Blake. Yes.

But eternity is right now 
and heaven is not a place.
And judgment is continuous 
and never entirely unkind.

Remember to remember.
and freedom-to,
that is it.

What we search for 
is with us all the time.
What we look for, we cannot see,
as we cannot see the seeing.

And that which 
we beseech 
is not separate,
and is unanswerable.

Maria Berardi’s poems have appeared online, in print, in university literary journals, meditation magazines, newspapers, and art galleries. Her first book, Cassandra Gifts, was published in 2013 by Turkey Buzzard Press, and she is working on her second, Pagan. She lives in Fort Collins, Colorado, at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. Her process is one of listening for transmissions and trying to catch them on paper before they dissipate: the glimpse, the complicated knowledge. She can be reached at

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Patricia Dubrava

Under the Peach Tree

I am savoring my second cup
in the sunny breakfast room
when the magpies create a cacophony.
Magpies are raucous by nature,
but this clamor is beyond the pale.

Suspecting they have again cornered
the neighbor’s cat, I go to the backyard,
find three birds fluttering from branch 
to branch, peering down, screeching,
but no cat. A full-grown magpie 
stiffens beneath the tree, abuzz with flies.

The mourners raise their raspy din a notch.
Peering into leaves quivering with noise, 
I say: “I’m sorry for your loss.”

Fetching a sack and shovel,
I carry the carcass to the alley
for dumpster burial in plastic, 
shut the lid,
listen to sudden silence, turn to see 
not a black and white bird in sight.

An Old Story

for Albert Siebe Keuning 1954 – 1986 

In this dream, which wakes me 
when he’s been dead thirty years, 
a trash can slumps by the sandy lane, 
nestled against junipers.
Sand, Floridian as our childhood,
and junipers hugging Colorado hills,
conflated by fancy. 

It is dark when I arrive, passing
scattered trash I should clean up.
Debris edges the narrow drive:
tin cans, orange peel, eggshells.
Guilt blots the ground beneath 
Rocky Mountain blue spruce, 
Floridian night blooming jasmine.

Mom’s asleep, so I enter in darkness 
through the oil-scented garage, hear my brother,  
grope through shadowed rooms 
toward his panicky cry, 
shuffle past crumpled paper, pity, 
crushed soda cans,
fold this little boy in my arms. 
“Didn’t Mom wake up?”
“No,” he whimpers, sobs subsiding to sniffs,
clinging to me as he does whenever I return.

Out the long, low windows
the white sand of the lane glimmers
through blackened hickory trees,
beyond them, the Front Range gleams blue.
In ghostly light, spilled garbage
litters the lawn, always the same garbage.

The Lessons of Picking Cherries

Backyard cherry trees lack professional care, 
grow as many of us do, like weeds, 
lucky to find nourishment.
Late frost kills besides: two years
have passed since the last crop
twinkled candy apple red in the sun.

As I pluck fruit the know-how returns to me, 
the efficacy that only surfaces when we’ve put
our hands to the work—the way carmine
deceives, the shadow side still pale yellow;
how to tell red from red, how to recognize
in the fingers the feel of ripeness.
At first my rate is slow: it takes practice 
to resurrect skill. By day three I pick swiftly,  
rarely let the ripest and best fall,
small perfections lost. 

In the kitchen I cull those pecked or bitten, 
leaves and stems, a tiny bug or two—this is nature after all.
Facing the pitting sends a ripple of despair through me.
They are many. I picked so many, unable to stop myself,
as often happens with words. Just this branch, 
this bunch more, denying the labor
I was piling up, the finishing that matters most.

With a cold glass beside me, a rhythm 
sets in as it sometimes does on the keyboard:
gentle squeeze at the stem hole pops the pit and done. 
Assembly line work, but all work has its repetitions. 
We learn to love some, hate others, make peace with most.

Spread onto cookie sheets and into the freezer, 
they are as bright as a pinup’s lipstick. 
Rolling the hard candy marbles into freezer bags,
I reserve four cups for the pie I’ll make next winter
to rekindle the joy of labor done long ago,
its taste a burst of the best of summer.

How I Knew It Was Picking Time

In immaculate black and white tuxedos
with iridescent blue lapels, 
a magpie mafia flaps from branch
to railing to birdbath 
with as little poise as toddlers, 
scolding each other:
this water dish is mine, mine! 

Darting and stock-still, darting and still 
on the moist lawn moments ago,
the silent pair of robins has been bullied away. 

Atop the light-gilded fence,
one magpie perches in profile, revealing
between the precise scissors of its black beak
the sunlit jewel of a cherry.

Patricia Dubrava has two books of poems and one of stories translated from Spanish. She teaches creative writing and translation at the University of Denver and practices short creative nonfiction on her blog “Holding the Light” at Her longer essays have been published in Hippocampus, Talking Writing and other journals. Her translations of Mexican short fiction have appeared in over 25 journals, including The Massachusetts Review.

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Donald Levering


How thoroughly we’ve ruined 
the value of our home
to stake our dueling claims,
knocking out its pillars
and walls with wrecking balls.

What a team we’ve become,
having cut the estate to stumps, 
scorched the earth between us, 
auctioned keepsakes, 
split the children. 

At long last our lawyers 
have ceased hostilities, 
each having large pieces
of the opposing party’s liver
to gnaw by their bonfire of pleadings.

Henceforth the knives kept sharp for ambush
can whittle ornaments and dolls.
Instead of targeted arguments,
we can poke holes in our respective plots
to plant beans and corn and squash.

Finally you are free
to scrap your flame thrower
and unpack your cello.
I can almost hear you stroking it
the way you used to do.

We’ve witnessed the removal
of my armored suit, signed away
your interest in my old mandolin.
It needs to be re-strung before I can
pick a song of romance once again.

The Papal Broom

Havana, 1998

John Paul II has brought his broom
to sweep the atheists of Cuba
into the Holy See.
It’s the same broom he used to brush
Pope Urban the 10th’s tomb
clean of the rumors of lechery.

Socialism, he intones to a thicket
of microphones, is the methadone
of the masses
. And in his masses
he prays for world peace, for shoeless
Cubans that they be fruitful,
and for the dictator’s deliverance.

Close-ups show his TV rouge and how 
he winces from the gout that keeps him 
seated to consecrate the Bunny float.
He scrunches his nose, whispers to an aide
who translates, The Easter Egg smells vaguely 
female, and is best hollowed out and painted.

He wants to sweep the island free
of hypocrisy, and for starters
enumerates the times he desired
women priests. Beside him the infirm
despot confesses he’d ordered saltpeter 
sprinkled in his soldiers’ cigars.

The Holy Father’s homily, sweet as sugar
cane, forgives imprisoned dissidents.
He lifts his broom to sanctify
voodoo charms and rumbas, he blesses
sightings of the Queen of Heaven
in murals saluting the Revolution.

As the Yankee anchorman confuses
John Paul’s catacomb connections,
the Pontiff dons his stiff miter to beatify
the first Cuban Catholic midwife.
From the balcony he waves at the masses,
leaning on the papal broom.

Donald Levering’s 16th poetry book, Breaking Down Familiar, will be released in May of 2022. A previous book, Coltrane’s God, was Runner-Up in the 2016 New England Book Festival contest in poetry. Before that, The Water Leveling with Us placed 2nd in the 2015 National Federation of Press Women Book Award in Creative Verse. I am a former NEA Fellow and won the 2018 Carve magazine contest, the 2017 Tor House Robinson Jeffers Prize, and the 2014 Literal Latté prize. My work has been featured in Garrison Keillor’s Writer’s Almanac podcast.

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John Levy


When I see you in your armor, grasshopper, with your oblong

protruding from your shell of a face, your shield

all the barbs on your legs, your delicate

I could be you I know
and even more the you I don’t.

Mule Deer

Named after a mule because these deer’s

are bigger than those of
white-tailed deer, say,

but not all
that much, I think, maybe

incorrectly. I think maybe incorrectly most
of my time, mulish

yet walking on two legs
so as not to be rebarbative

in company, even when alone. But I don’t think
I got even “mulish”

right, because when I “used” it
up there, in the eighth line, I thought it meant something

different than obstinate. Unfairly, I
thought it was derisive in a different

but bigger way, the way I often feel
I fucked up in some manner I know full well

I’m exaggerating yet I ruminate upon, which
reminds me that the five mule deer I surprised in our

backyard on the outskirts of Tucson three evenings ago
were nibbling on tall sharp-spined cactus. Quite

they didn’t hurt their lips.

John Levy lives in Tucson. His most recent book is Silence Like Another Name (otata’s bookshelf, 2019), which is available online as a PDF at

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Sandra McGarry

I Watch Them Disappear

In the pond five ducks swim.
They write on the water with webbed-feet pens
circles-in-circles = watermarks.

I want to be a translator of those geometries.

There is paper with watermarks and
cursive lines of love opened on the desk.
How once in Paris or was it Colorado?

You wrote how color changes
when the rain tints the buildings— 
How it deepens everything.

And how missing magnifies an intensity of desire. 
Or that old woman at The Brown Palace who
steadied the hand of the old man.

Fire was there—you wrote, the sureness of it,
after she’d settled the napkin at his chin.
Is there not room for kindness everywhere?

How this question follows me for years.
Is it true with age there 
comes a deeper understanding of that fire? 

It is time and light that takes the words
to lighten—the circles, too. 
The ducks are gone.

I read the letters now remembering:

A sure hand.
A fine pen.
An ink thought indelible.

When I can hold no more,
I fold the words
along the well-worn creases.

Outside the window—rain
drop by heavy drop writes
its own story.


It is late evening the purple plums are eaten.
The concord grapes are in the bag in the car’s trunk,      
stored alongside two suitcases full     of dreams. 
And an uncountable number of grains of sand
to remember   packed into a Mason jar—
that long hot summer that startled 
the corn in every field passed.
We were moving west with fire in the heart.
We watched the dawns breaking.
And took in the dying fields— 
Unimaginable.  The colors of sorrows.

Sandra McGarry grew up in the east near the ocean. She taught elementary school for 28 years. She moved to Colorado in 2009 to be near her children. She enjoys hiking and biking. She’s published in Pilgrimage, Paterson Review, Encore, and DoveTales.

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C. J. Rakay

Everywhere and Now

You always told me that you could feel them, those that had died, 
the ones you so loved, so young, so many for you. That you felt them 
as though they were sitting with you at the kitchen table
over a cup of green tea or a bowl of berries, 
each one chatting away, you gladly listening. 

They’re gone. 
Strange, you said, how you knew that but somehow 
didn’t believe it—couldn’t believe it. How could you, you said, 
when you see them in the soft light of every new moon,
in the bright eyes and sweet breath of our children,
even in that shiver you felt in your limbs for what you thought was no good reason. 

They’re not gone, you said. 
They’re here. They’re everywhere. 
And I thought it was so nice—so very sweet—that you believed that. 
But I never did. Until now, until today, when that lone stream 
of morning sun blazed through our bedroom window, and there you were.

C. J. Rakay is a two- time First Place prize winner and two-time runner-up of the Poetry Society of Colorado contests. She was a finalist for the most recent Daisie E. Robinson award.

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Christine Weeber

A Home, A Trap

I am inside the full moon 
     as it skins, skins rainbow trout
  she looks up- 
       plies the pool

Caddisflies hatch, 
        from pupal shucks
     their own slow dawn 
clouds as runoff heats 

   We are inside that rupture 
  pupal skins floating
     water pulls us
   against shuck 

Our emergence 
    an ephemeral 
    we carry 
with us
    wings ablaze
       scooping air,
early home now death trap


Which six are mine?
  I can’t tell

from the conspiracy
    shooting across the sky

I try to spot them, eye the eyes—
   but like falling stars rising 
they split the atmosphere

   all wing and tail and beak

a body of one
  a body of a hundred

circling, creasing, torpedoing.

The turn a wave crashing sunset’s brow.

    They curl along the western ridgeline,
   frozen trees muscular and blank.
The body coalesces, disappears.  

   I am left in the wake, as is the fading light.

 My circle of oily, glinting feathers
     anchored in sand shifts, shifts.

Christine Weeber is the author of two poetry chapbooks, In the Understory of Her Being (in English and Spanish) and Sastrugi. Her poetry and prose have appeared in the Wild Roof JournalWild Gods: The Ecstatic in Contemporary Poetry and Prose, the Kyoto Journal,Solo: On Her Own Adventure, and other publications. Christine is the poetry editor at SAPIENS, an online magazine that illuminates the world of anthropology for a general audience. Keep up with Christine at

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Issue 8: November 2022

Photo of Bristlecone Pine on Mount Blue Sky

Photo by Sandra S. McRae

Poems by
Kathleen Cain, Karen Douglass, Nathan Manley,
David Anthony Martin, and Ed McManis 

© 2022 Bristlecone


Bristlecone welcomes poems from writers of the Mountain West region. The editors are especially eager to read poems that reflect the region’s various cultures and landscapes, although we have no restrictions in mind regarding subject matter. Our main concerns are with the quality of the work and the cultivation of a regional community of poets and poetry lovers.

Submissions are accepted year-round. Please adhere to all of the following guidelines:

  • Submit 3 to 5 unpublished poems in a single Word attachment (no poems in the body of an email) to: Submissions with more than 5 poems will not be considered.
  • Poems posted on blogs and social media are considered published. Simultaneous submissions are fine as long as you let us know right away if the work is accepted elsewhere.
  • Use a header on at least the first page of your submission that includes your:
  • Name as you wish it to appear in the journal
  • Mailing address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Website address (if you have one)
  • Phone number
  • Submission should be in .doc or .docx file format (no .rtf or .pdf)
  • Times New Roman 12 pt. font—titles in bold and not all caps
  • Flush left alignment except for drop-lines, internal spaces within lines, and any other special formatting your poem requires
  • 100-word maximum bio at the end of the submission; same guideline for translator bio(s). Feel free to provide live links to your website.

After publication, all rights revert to the individual Bristlecone authors. We consider simultaneous submissions but please let us know immediately if something you’ve submitted to us has been accepted elsewhere.

The Editors: Joseph Hutchison, Jim Keller, Sandra S. McRae, and Murray Moulding

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Kathleen Cain

Natural Curve

for Kelly, 1960-2021

It’s important, to find a refuge in every day, so that when you hit the pillow 
at night, no matter how troubled you are, you can return there and rejoice a little 
in the person, place or thing (though “thing” isn’t really a good word for a poem). 

Today it was a natural spring, still present and unexpected, flowing through  
a subdivision not far from the hospice house where my sister lies. With warning 
signs, of course: Private Property. No Trespassing, blah, blah, blah—it’s only for 
us now, not you.  But just beneath the place where the sidewalk follows the fence 
line, a creek runs away, as they all do if they can. A tangle of trees crosses the water. 
The oldest one goes first, a cottonwood, bent like the St. Louis Arch or a bridge 
a mother might make of her body, to let her children cross. 

My sister needs a bridge like that on her final earth journey, though it’s one she 
has to cross alone, as we all do. She just asked what time it is. Ten to eight on Sunday
morning. October third. Canada geese have just made a fly-by, though if she’s heard
them, she doesn’t say. Which is unusual. The declining Moon sailed above the trees 
last night, a crystal sickle with gold and silver filigree—you know that way the Moon
does sometimes, in a cold sky. “It’s a gorgeous day,” she says. It’s hard to hear her now,
her always-clear voice reduced to a rasp of air. I put my ear to her lips, ask her, twice more, to tell me again what’s she said. “It’s. A. Gorgeous. Day.” Even as light dims around her, how well she kens the curve of weather, the arc of her life amidst its seasons.


I always hate to see
May go—tulips, iris,
their fragrant parts
into fragments of which
they’re made
folding back into the earth
again, into themselves,
forming next year’s seed
or pod, set to begin 
the hubbub of root and bulb 
in their minor tremblings

and yet, the sky clearing
making way for sleepy June
soon the seduction of
mock-orange blossoms
and petal showers
of summer snow—raspberries
already beginning to form
their tart-celled red worlds

on it goes, this continuum
we call life and death
one wrapping and enfolding
the other . . . 
and look! golden alyssum’s
last blossom
and here’s 
the starred globe
of the purple
allium—a gazing ball
if ever
there was one


“Ask the wild bees what the Druids knew.”

Ten years ago, my uncle
the beekeeper
said that “for all intents and purposes
there are no more feral bees.”

Someone in my town posts a picture
of a glut of wild bees in a pine tree
and wonders what to do.

Advice rolls in, with or without
experience or understanding.
“Leave them Alone!”
shouts one. “Call someone to
collect them,” suggests another,
the human impulse to capture
so strong in us. “They’re migrating!”
a third offers, though bees do not
really migrate. For that, they’d need
a destination. And a return. This is

a swarm. They’re just moving house.
They’re gentle then, my uncle always
used to say, easily handled without
fear—all the fuss in honor of
the new queen, whom they will
follow and pledge their lives to.
Yes, leave them. They’ll find their
way, to a hollow log or tree, where 
you may or may not notice them as 
you walk by, to-ing and fro-ing through 
your own day. 

And Now This…

It’s hard to tell at first 
if the birdsong drifts in from
somewhere over Anderson Cooper’s 
right shoulder there in the dark,
from three to four a.m., Ukraine
time; or whether it’s the house finch
in the blue spruce tree outside
the picture window, from six
to seven p.m. Mountain Standard
time here in Colorado. Click off

the volume on the remote. Nothing.
Back on again, just as the finch
lets loose its end-of-day cascade
of notes. 
              Off.    On.  
It’s the bird in the dark
in Ukraine, lifting its song before
dawn. Lark? Or thrush? Sounds like

our 4:30 a.m. robins—so, a thrush
then. Whatever species, alive as
the spirit of land and people, its 
practiced trill of millennia unerring 
there in the dark, certain of the dawn
it can feel, feather and bone. In spite
of everything, singing up the light.

Kathleen Cain’s poetry has recently appeared in Abandoned MineThe Comstock Review, and Pandora’s Amphora (Art Goodtimes’ blog). Work is forthcoming in the premier issue of Jasper’s Folly. She was a featured reader for the Ziggies Zoom reading in April 2022 and for the 100,000 Poets for Change Reading (Denver 2022). She is also the author of two nonfiction books: Luna, Myth and Mystery and The Cottonwood Tree: An American Champion.

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Karen Douglass

Black-winged Moth

How near to a moth is god?
A universe of air away,
unless like St. Thomas’s
sponge in the sea I am
in god and god in me
and the moth brushing my hand
closes the gap from maker to made.

Or god is inside the moth
come to test me: can I believe
in a life like my own, veiled
when I thought to swat,
thus murder, a black-winged god?

Walking Companion

Escaping a sick world,
I carry silence with me,
hear only birds, sighs
of a passing bike on pavement,
the scuff of my shoes
if I forget to pick up my feet.

I choose one stone as a partner—
oval, black, smooth, palm-sized,
a talisman against the invisible.
I clutch the stone like a gift.

Shaped by long friction
against the elements, it asked
nothing but a resting place, yet
I have wrested it from its home.
We meet no one. The day lengthens.

Wild Sparrow

Wing tangled
in the mesh suet feeder
its furious struggle
to get free
twists the string tighter.

I fetch small scissors, clip
the thread and he’s away,
no thanks or regret.

This small rescue
my fingers touching
that delicate wing.

Karen Douglass, BS, MA, MFA, a native New Englander, now lives in Colorado. She has been a psychiatric nurse, horsewoman, racetrack judge, mother (still is), college instructor, poet, and novelist. 

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Nathan Manley


Anas platyrhynchos*
For A.G.

By the watchmaker’s motive element
sprung to his afternoon preen, the drake tucks
as innards tick the green enameling
of that faultless, gem-bright head he carries,
bears up like a finery, prinking now
the fan-clasp fold of each ensapphired wing.

I’ve half-discerned his lost mechanic art,
the gear drive’s twinkling teeth and symmetries
of weight and counterpoise, whirr of gilt chains
wheeling—the animal an invention
of Enlightenment clockshops—when it breaks,
this spell that’s held me half an hour, dawdling

at the duckpond, where I conjure the dead—
yes, the never replicated genius
of Vaucanson, that 
       also of a friend,
who worshipped with a sheepdog’s heart, holding
that the soul takes no form out of nature
but the motion of its fleet machineries.

* The once illustrious, now largely forgotten inventor Jacques de Vaucanson exhibited three automata at a Parisian exhibition in 1738—most famously, a clockwork duck which reproduced mechanically the essential anatomical functions of a living animal, including digestion, for which it was best known. Composed of more than four hundred moving parts, the machine’s intricate design was never documented thoroughly enough to support a modern reconstruction. By the account of one witness, however, the duck appears to have survived at least into the nineteenth century—by then in a sadly degraded condition. His automata astonished Vaucanson’s contemporaries; Voltaire compared the mechanist’s accomplishment to that of Prometheus.

Short-Eared Owl

                                    Asio flammeus

“Lamplight lost on the membranous casement,
midnight lapping—soft, osmotic—cat-eyed
at the pane; sickle moon, slick as pooled cream,
cobwebs spun like a needlepoint doily
and catching the spill of it. Throw that latch,

“won’t you? Set a spell while the coyotes yuk,
yuk it up, gleeful, on gore-scrap tatters
and humble kills. Gullyside, sprightly, 
sylphs of the May wind finick wild lilac,
tumbling idle-wise, sweet as a porch dream.

“Set still. Prick up your ear, won’t you? Bard-beaked,
freckle-breasted, Brown Owl’s out whoop-whooping 
at the wood foot of the tamarack. Why,
the vermin bunch their pretty whiskers, spooked—
Dead Creek bending to its own erasure.

“Old Cricket’s picking at his mandolin,plumb-tuckered, for the like of us, again:
stickler for struck strings singing out for love
of nothing in particular. Let him.
Hear? The milk-lit lawn’s gone hushabye blue.”

Garter Snake

                                    Thamnophis sirtalis

You’ve traveled, cool and mathematical,
up the earth’s hibernal coil, scouring out
a patch of light to warm your sleeping blood. 

What meticulous articulation
settled scales in the stonework of your head?
In passing, you’re handsome as a statue,

capable almost of speech, if not guile
to slip the fatal lie by a black lash
of your tongue and unplenty the garden.

And yet, how speechlessly you scent the drift
of our mutual fear, of irises
billowing like tattered ships at the rim

of an alien continent, and flit,
slick as sin where you disappear, dipping
down the terrace with its potted blossoms

and into the yawn of a cracked timber.
To what empty, bestial dreams you’ve dropped
in your world below the world, admitting

no command but that of my enchantment.
One hand’s tensing at the throat of the earth,
where I cannot follow you to your peace.

False Parasol

                                    Chlorophyllum molybdites*

Stain of the ethereal cup no king 
since Æthelberht’s drawn a bitter draught of, 
toadstools fatten like figs in the forage,an elfin ring at the tanglewood’s brim.
Pared, pollarded to a diplomacy
of trees, the wild, fine-fruiting, is no more.
Light laps the orchard of a foreign Christ.

Up tumbleweed country, my heritage—
skulls of bison stacked in a parodyof cultic awe—the prairie plaits her locks
with empty ceremony, wind waking
on the neck, yucca-pod stiff.                                               Even here,
missionaries heard knocks in the dark, ache
of the old religion rankled, wraithlike 
in the grass: rattle-scrape of ós and ése. 

Sprung dewside of one virgin hill no plow
could scrape to cultivation—this of few,
half-fabled, to weather the oxen yoked
of the Homestead Acts—a fairy’s circling
savagely, calling up her green-gilled shrooms
from an Otherworld isle without a name.

Hers proved a poison, steeped in spleen enough 
by nineteen hundred, to open a door
in the backcountry and carry off the child.

* Known also as Green-Spored Lepiota and colloquially as Vomiter, False Parasol is one among a range of fungal species observed to sprout in so-called fairy rings. The organism’s mycelium, of which its mushrooms are the fruiting body, consists of a buried mass of filaments called hyphae; as hyphae decompose organic matter in the soil, aboveground grasses grow lush and vigorously, enriched with nutrients loosed by the fungi’s putrefactive work. This quasi-mutualism results in circles of dark green grass and occasionally, come rainfall, of pale mushroom caps. Fatal poisonings have historically occurred only in children and small animals.

Nathan Manley is a writer and erstwhile English teacher from Loveland, Colorado. He is the author of two chapbooks, Numina Loci (Mighty Rogue Press, 2018) and Ecology of the Afterlife (Split Rock Press, 2021). Recent poems and Latin translations have appeared or are forthcoming in Portland Review, Natural Bridge, The Classical Outlook and others. His work has been nominated for Best of the Net and a Pushcart Prize. You can find his writing and instrumental music at

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David Anthony Martin

Interpreting a Circle

Snowshoeing the quiet folds of the forest 
down into bobcat draw and up the other side
to the hem of the meadow opening before me
a near blinding expanse of crystalline white
today is a blank slate, surface unmarked but 
by wind and sublimation, this sheet of white
pulled taut & tucked into the far scrim of oaks
beneath the cold potential of emptiness rest
the moldering calcium-phosphate rich bones of deer
which now sleeping field mice gnaw
and the fibrous matrix of collagen is devoured
slowly by bacteria and fungi, as she molders 
in return to the base elements of the field
from where her nutrition was derived

For a short time, she was the field on four feet
experiencing herself, grazing the green tastes,
solar-powered chlorophyll-infused leaves
of wild grasses busy making sugars to trade
with the penetrating mycelium conveying deep
nutrients from the darkness to shallow roots,
she ground the green to chocolate-dark pellets

The bones: a reminder      memento mori 
“You, too, shall die.” It is a statement.
An admonition. More wisdom than warning. 
Nothing but these beautiful bones remain
the eye finally emptied doorways of perception
cleansed, the skull affixed with the eternal
unhinged grin, a silent, knowing laughter,
a cosmic chuckle of joy

The Wash

crumbling granite 

smoothened stones
haphazard path of red
rounded pebbles

the ghost of ancestral mountains 
long ago eroded

fragmented name
we’ll never know 

but still here

falling apart 
becoming a part
of everything else


One small point in the flow of my forage
this log-cum-bridge, wet-lapped
tight-grained waterworn heartwood
lacquered slick with unseen life
I know, this creek its width just so
beyond a single stride for me
with my eyes to the far bank, can I navigate
the maneuver, will it support me
just one swift, light boot step
all I ask, not my full weight
as I might ask of a stone
and no longer than a heartbeat 
a pivot point, a fulcrum for the swift
compasses of my legs, knowing
there’s a magic to momentum,
to already being in motion—

David Anthony Martin flies kites far too infrequently, forages wild mushrooms when in season, collects feathers when he finds them, writes daily and dreams nightly. He is the author of four collections of poems (Span, Deepening the Map, Bijoux, and The Ground Nest). He works in several capacities for the Nature & Wildlife Discovery Center in Beulah and Pueblo, Colorado, including Environmental Educator, Hike Guide, Park Maintenance, and Caretaker. He is the founding editor of Middle Creek Publishing.

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Ed McManis

While You Sleep

They say the deer creep down at night
from the hills, dainty as ballerinas —
behead the petunias, gladioli. 
Cloven hoof-prints mark the congregation,

soft dirt snuffled, a snort rumbling
in the crease of your dreams to wake 
you at two a.m. You gaze into the moonlit 
garden, tri-horned silhouettes pawing 

through the newly planted flower beds, 
scattering rosary beads of scat. 
grand plié, now stare away, 
now circle beneath your

peach tree, suck the green fruit to pits. 

A neighbor’s engine, early shift,
rumbles to life, just over 
the velvety lip of the ridge. 
Red eyes return your gaze, this family 

of rude tourists, their primal indifference
curling your toes as you turn to bow 
in your slippered feet, lips sticky-
sealed with peach juice.


The attraction—chemical,
the junkie’s fix, gambler’s dice.
Salivating, you peel
the silver dress
—one was never enough—
work your tongue around
the swirled chocolate nipple
let the melting calm 
the sigh, scratch the itch,
then the luxurious
You pinch for another and another
working the flimsy foil,
ripcord the paper-thin
hair ribbon—two, three, numbers swirl
—the addition of addiction—
and always a roving eye,
the bag of gold nuggets
the next counter down,
the slivered almond centers
that tempt restraint, make you
believe love is more than dinner
lust or dessert; it’s in your hands
and head as you gnash
your back teeth, melt the
heart within the heart.

The Poem I Didn’t Write…Twenty Years Later

Still offended at all levels, even in translation, hissed
when I proofed, was still politically incorrect, 
got cancelled and hash-tagged, 
spat graffiti on my computer screen,
had zero metaphors.
It woke me in the middle of the night, 
ate its own paws, eyeballed my young, immigrant 
neighbor, seduced my wife, lied to my son, 
promised me optimism and a jacket cover
as it licked itself, filled out the entry form, sent
a head shot from twelve years ago, signed 
my name, was overly nostalgic
for the ole SASE.
The poem I didn’t write won the contest, 
squandered the prize money on lesser poets, interns
with big eyes ahead of me in line,
transferred onto an electronic
greeting card that forgot
to recollect itself in tranquility
as it emitted the sour odor of all human
knowledge and thought, didn’t play
tennis or even have a net. 
The poem I didn’t write forgot 
to turn out the light, let out the cat, 
kiss my family goodnight.

Ed McManis is a Colorado lifer. (He remembers when I-25 was called “The Valley Highway.”) Ed is a writer, editor, and erstwhile Head of School. His work has appeared in more than 50 publications, including The Blue Road Reader, California Quarterly, Cathexis, Colorado North Review, etc. He, along with his wife, Linda, have published esteemed author Joanne Greenberg’s (I Never Promised You a Rose Garden) latest novel, Jubilee Year. Little known trivia fact: he holds the outdoor free-throw record at Camp Santa Maria: 67 in a row.

Bristlecone Icon

Issue 2: February 2022

Artwork by Sarah Sajbel

Poems by
Jimi Bernath, Robert Cooperman, John Macker,
Ed McManis, Janet Smith Post, and Kathleen Willard

© 2022 Bristlecone

What We Look For at BRISTLECONE

Bristlecone  welcomes poems from writers of the Mountain West region. The editors are especially eager to read poems that reflect the region’s various cultures and landscapes, although we have no restrictions in mind regarding subject matter.  Our main concerns are with the quality of the work and the cultivation of a regional community of poets and poetry lovers.

Regarding submissions, here are our current guidelines:

  • Submit 3 to 5 poems in a single Word attachment (no poems in the body of an email) to:
  • Use a header on at least the first page of your submission that includes your:
    • Name as you wish it to appear in the journal
    • Mailing address
    • Email address
    • Phone number
    • Website address (if you have one)
    • Phone number
  • .doc or .docx file format (no .rtf or .pdf)
  • Times New Roman 12 pt. font—titles in bold and not all caps
  • Flush left alignment except for drop lines, internal spaces within lines, and any other special formatting your poem requires
  • One poem per page with new pages created using an inserted Page Break (no strings of Returns to create a new page)
  • 100-word maximum bio at the end of the submission; same guideline for translator bio(s).

After publication, all rights revert to the individual Bristlecone authors. We consider simultaneous submissions but please let us know immediately if something you’ve submitted to us has been accepted elsewhere.

The Editors: Jim Keller, Murray Moulding, Sandra S. McRae, and Joseph Hutchison

Jimi Bernath

At the Municipal Farms

At the Municipal Farms I met my love,
hoeing weeds in a beanfield with a blue sky above.

Our eyes met as we both mopped our brows.
From a nearby pasture, the lowing of cows

made us smile, and those smiles were bright
in young tanned faces living in the light.

We leaned our hoes on an old beanpole,
a long drink of water was the very next goal,

so we smiled and drew from our Camelbacks
letting our arms and shoulders relax.

“I’m Ben,” I said into eyes of green,
hoping to narrow the distance between.

She told me, kind of shyly, her name was Rose
(as indeed it still is, heaven knows).

She came nearer, we made small talk
while glancing at the flight of a distant hawk

who turned eastward and headed our way,
as if he’d just thought of something to say.

He flew in circles right overhead
and as we looked up at him, a voice in me said,

“What sky and soil have joined this day…”
and then we had some more weeds to slay

before our shift in the field was over,
but that very night we began to discover

the common ground our hearts would sow
and cultivate, so our city-tribe could grow

with children and food fresh from the land,
in partnership with a divine loving hand.

We’ve retired now and are still well fed.
Our children and theirs work the land instead.

A cooperative world will long endure,
and I never really saw it, till the day I met her.

Morley, Colorado

black earth mission go on home
coal dark mother calls for thy return
give up this vigil for the loam
your broken walls let be unborn

I heard a bell clang down some years
your door and window full of hard blue sky
parishioners be bricks and wildflowers
and one black beetle that cannot fly

where once this hill echoed busy—
black rock dug, logs hewn, children fed
greed humility sensible crazy
linger still the unstillness of the dead

my feet the broken path now climb
following that long lost mission bell
while other feet around me beat the time
proceed to evening mass and all is well

my love and I have crossed the abyss
of rocks and briars and wires and railroad lines
to stand in a town as quiet as this
to say our prayers and make our signs

now leave crumbling walls to dark hill bosom
make for the traffic over on Raton
mission complete if not the wisdom
you’re more than memory and less than gone…

Sestina for June 

For “June” and Willie

The grand finale of the big country music show
The crowd going wild as the stars got down
I stood among them on the wide bright stage
Talking to Alan Jackson so calm and slow
Asking if he’d seen June lately somewhere in the world
Then Willie stepped up to offer something old

The fans listened to the voice that seemed ages-old
No longer mindless leapers at an all-star show
But wakened to the sweet dream within the world
I heard Alan Jackson’s reply as the lights at last went down
And his face was not familiar but his eyes kind and slow
“June,” he said, “lives in another country, on a different stage.”

“Would you like to go there?” he asked as we left the stage.
“I don’t know,” I answered, feeling impatient and old.
“How long will we be gone? I can’t be moving slow.”
“About 30 years,” he said, “or you can stay and watch the show.”
I told him let’s go, and away we flew like a wisp of down
In a craft of some kind over the broad face of the world.

A massive city of hospitals seemed to cover a corner of the world.
“Is this it?” I asked, incredulous. “Is this June’s stage?”
“This is the insane asylum,” my guide replied, and my curious mind
                sailed down
To a kind of mess hall, chaotic, poorly lit and old.
A patient tore plastic wrap from meat in a show
Of righteous indignation that the human race was so slow

To understand their folly, while a fat bald man ate slow
At the end of a table, a doctor in this world
But just as insane, I knew it must always show
And I cried out to leave and find the next stage
And June, so fresh in my memory from the days of old
And again we flew across the sea into a crimson sundown.

When we arrive I will breathe deep and lay myself down
Eating strange new fruit, savoring sweet and slow
Knowing that the feeling will never grow old
With June beside me and all around me in this world
June in my bed of wild flowers, on her fire and water stage
And like the man once sang in a country all-star show:

Slow down old world, and your travelling show
Slow down this dream of world stage
Slow down old world…

Jimi Bernath has been writing and reading and publishing poetry in the Denver area for decades. He is well known for his thoughtful, lyrical and provocative poetry publications: newshole, Frogpond, Heiwa, Peace Poetry Across the Pacific, Brussels Sprout, point Judith, SOLILOQUY, Modern Haiku, SIGHT UNSEEN, Alura, The Small Pond Magazine of Literature, The Mercury Reader, STICK, Life Scribes.

Robert Cooperman

Bicycle Riding in Golden Gate Park: Late Summer, 1972

When Dwayne and I rented bikes,
I hadn’t the heart to tell him
I wasn’t very good or daring:
almost in need of training wheels
and a stiff drink, for the courage
to pedal the park’s steep bike paths.

Still, I didn’t embarrass myself,
and when we stopped to rest,
Dwayne pulled out a joint—
this being the twilight
of the Age of Aquarius—
and fired up, assuring me,

“This is some special shit!” 
I took a hit.  When Dwayne offered
a second hit, I shook my head,
hoping to retain my sense of balance,
and to keep my eyes from spinning
out of my head and at least a tenuous
grip on slipping-away reality.

When we mounted again, hard to tell
if the trees, or I, were marching,
like MacDuff’s army on Macbeth.

At our last downhill run,
two women flashed past, on bikes
or maybe galloping horses,
their hair flying like Valkyries,
crooking their arms for us to follow,
but they’d vanished like smoke.

Hitchhiking into San Francisco from Berkeley, Late Summer, 1972

Crashing with a friend, I’d thumb in from Berkeley.
Back then I assumed, with a quasi-hippie’s naivete,
that drivers’ smiles were far more genuine
than the ones painted on circus clowns’ faces.

Either I was right, or just lucky: never killed
and cut into a thousand pieces, just fulfilled
the hitchhiker’s social contract of offering
conversation, or listening to the driver’s monologue.

On the other hand, I was never offered a joint or pipe,
never had a legendary ride with the Grateful Dead,
nor did Grace Slick invite me into her Dali-painted
Porsche, or the usual fantasy: swirled to Paradise
by two wild women in gauzy dresses hiked up so far
above their thighs . . . nudge, nudge; wink, wink.

Dropped off in town, I’d walk, breathe the seaweed
heavy ocean air, catch a bus to Fisherman’s Wharf,
Golden Gate Park, or to the Haight, for an adventure
I’d tell about to friends and the future Ms. Cooperman,
whom I’d yet to meet, but if I could’ve seen
into the golden future, she was a mere two years away.

The Post-Apocalyptic Potluck Dinner Party: Berkeley, 1972

I was crashing with Rich, who told me
we were invited to a potluck at the home of
“Gandalf, our local wizard, and his old lady,
Galadriel, the Earth Mother of All Earth Mothers.”
Obvious Rich had a crush like an olive press. 
“They’re so evolved, they hunt and grow all their food.”

“What prey animals do they hunt in Berkeley?” 
I wondered, “Rats?” but shut my sarcastic yap,
thinking maybe this was my sign to return to New York.

“We’ll be playing a great game: ‘Who’ll Be in the Tribe
After an All-Out Atomic War?’ Meaning, what skills
can you bring, so you won’t die alone, in the Nuclear
Ice Age.” Naturally, Rich would make it. But me? 

At the party, Galadriel proclaimed her fecundity,
to perpetuate the tribe, though I didn’t see any toddlers
racing around. Plus, she could coax vegetables and fruits
from the soil like Demeter. When I was summoned,
I stammered, “I’m a poet, I’ll spin tales around the campfire.”

“This is basic survival,” Gandalf cut me off. 
“What can you do on a practical level?”

“Remember the Grasshopper and the Ants?”
I was about to snap, when Rich’s elbow stopped me.

“Poet?” Galadriel sneered. “We need workers
who can bring in game, build shelters, sew pelts
for clothing, find safe water. Poet?!” She might
as well have shouted, “Pervert! Murderer!”

Later, Rich enthused, “Cool, right!” And I knew
that, definitely, it was time to get back to New York.

Robert Cooperman‘s two latest collections are Reefer Madness (Kelsay Books) and Go Play Outside (Apprentice House). Forthcoming from FutureCycle Press is Bearing the Body of Hector Home, and from Kelsay Books, A Nightmare on Horseback.

John Macker

Vernacular Dwelling

At six o’clock in the morning
don’t reinvent the wheel. 
I feel like one of those few rocks 
left unpolished by the river but
the idea of new territories to reveal 
stretches me into organic shape. 
I’m more receptive to truces
or the next thing to embrace feverishly 
and am nothing if not a vernacular dwelling
indistinguishable from the landform. 
When a kid I was attracted to all the 
summer storms assembled over wild places
like arid Shiprock while stars slathered 
like snakeweed blossoms faded unflinchingly 
into a smoke-crazed sky. My heart’s more easily 
bruised by the burning out
                                            the melting away
the idea of a graveyard for confederate statuary 
makes it soar and I still go to the desert to reconnoiter 
my bravado. In January up in the wildlife refuge 
the arctic fox received a respite and the Kongakut still
flows clear. Some of the fire behind my eyes has 
cooled if imperceptibly zero percent contained. 
My bones have been known to take on the 
consistency of feathers. Nostalgia can be 
punitive.      Merwin wrote:
                                             But we weren’t
born to survive, only live.     I used to think I was fearless
still admire the harder to get to 
the without a trace, the never before 
they’re where the river and I go to sing.

San Luis Valley

I’ve been to Antonito, Alamosa, San Luis
every spring Manassa gets mauled by the 
elements, home of Mormons, Jack Dempsey 
& Manassa turquoise. Skittish black dog 
with cataracts crosses the road, she can find the 
only café with her nose. In Antonito
coyotes & quail leave snowprints in the tiny 
flattened cemetery where I was once fetishized 
for being a stranger. The full moon remembers 
it to whomever passes by.
Some of the Spanish surnames 
barely survived the vandals
the road to it is hardened caliche, washboard 
shameless in its disrepute.     The American flag 
downtown lost its skirmish with the wild for 
hours wind. I gas up & savor a biscochito. 
                                              Some days the landscape is 
an elder’s ragged book of dreams,
reminds me I’m something more 
than just the accretion of seasons
something other than nondescript. 
Some days my heart can barely 
contain the expanse. I look up just in 
time to see the synchronized swimming 
manatee clouds over the San Juans, 
truckers with their long haul winters slow down 
hissing at the Lowe’s but rarely stop. 
Spent too much time just passing through 
intemperate Januarys were once my 
bane & lust, driving through blizzards are for 
those who think young. The sunrises out
here are seraphim arsonists 
the quotidian ablaze with righteous fury.

Wyoming Morning Elegy

an old photo of my grandfather
two uncles and my father, southern Wyoming just
over the line. The black and white gods were playful 
that day, the fedoras blocked just enough of the sun to 
partially eclipse their faces. The range grasses were thick, 
no diluting the rain’s mercies. No rustlers in the back-
ground, no Dog Soldiers, no heat dome, the rot of 
addiction was not yet the river that coursed through us. 
It took until some later summer for the hardened off 
memories to cool. It was a day long before old age 
but after all their wars, except for my grandfather whose 
second son died in the Little Snake. But he smiles for 
the camera just as the moment separates itself from 
terrestrial time, as if gazing through something 
as porous as a dream catcher, as if no one asked
How many people does our dead one weigh? 
This photo is no hagiography, no book of soul 
but maybe it depicts the breathing space before my 
first breath. My grandmother a forgotten 
headstone on a windy nearby hill. The prairie rolls 
up to it, my mother who never knew her is the
summer passing over. We end up strangers after all. 
The years are porous with the unforgiven 
                                                                  the past 
an angel who only drowned in the same river once.

After Bob Kaufman

Poems are celestial hobos 
catching rides
on abandoned boxcar clouds, 
vows of silence with 
parched lungs wait down below 
for the liberated street language 
of stars.
              The wildness of the improvisation
was everywhere 
in choked cowl-like skies
in railroad track saloons
Mission District dives
tables full of Thunderbird and sodden 
ash listening to Okie from Muscogee
smoking on the juke with all the 
Homeric alcoholics spewing prosit! 
between shots. Volumes of 
heartbreak night sweats and 
heaven in your jail / / bird voice.
                                                   The streets flowed 
and still do in the dark with the 
blues of your last words. 
You protested, proselytized 
poverty strung you out
I don’t know how many nightsticks
America cracked over your head 
but you kept writing / / singing 
a hundred nighttime lifetimes of 
remembered dreams but 
you allowed yourself only one
/ /  everyone.

John Macker has lived in Northern New Mexico for 25 years. His most recent books are Atlas of Wolves, The Blues Drink Your Dreams Away (Selected Poems 1983-2018 (2019 New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards finalist)El Rialto (a memoir), and Desert Threnody(essays and short fiction—a 2021 New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards winner for fiction anthology). For several years, he was a contributor to Albuquerque’s Malpais Review. His one-act play “Coyote Acid” was produced by Teatro Paraguas in Santa Fe in early 2022.

Ed McManis

The News

From across the country
we get the news: the oldest
son and his new bride
are expecting.

Joy. Long distance.
Like a favorite meal reheated. 

Another reason to quit 
red meat, save the heart;
another leaf on the
ol’ family tree.

 All the “dad” mistakes
appear in dreams, a bad 
slide show of nostalgia:
The Road Taken. 

Most, harmless:
too many LEGOS, skimpy
college savings.
Harmless little lies 
about love, God,

 “You can be whatever
 you want to be!”

And the one dream I
couldn’t shake. How the center
of a man is a desert, 
how lost I felt, the illusion

of my wife as a refuge,
a garden, a river of relief
at the end of the prayer. 

How I woke those mornings
trembling, mumbling,

Water, water for the baby… 
there’s too much sand.

Throwing the Bones

These are the days of unintended consequences, 
fireworks everywhere. Unanswered prayers 
swirling like confetti. Who won?

Every morning I unsubscribe from another 
email chain; every evening I create
another avatar.

Last week my doppelganger unfriended 
me, and my children have abandoned 
their surnames.

When you’re sitting with death
you belong to yourself. 

Look, the horizon is on fire!
The city collapses like a sinkhole
into its shame.

Better get your toilet paper.

“Dig in,” they say. “Hang on, we’re all 
in this together.” Reassurance is quick 
from the other side of the wall.

“You can have the sleeves
from my vest!”

Look, your hands shake as you write
your name knowing that check 
will never clear.

Your skin is changing hue, shedding 
right before your eyes. You’ve forgotten 
the last line of the spell.

Nietzsche’s Smart Phone

Today I might as well just be a virus, 
Siri’s red-headed cousin.
Profs, hang-dog single-file past
the dark philosophy classrooms

ignore the coffee shop, congregate
behind the library
to smoke with the tribe.

The computer tech majors gather
in groups of
The visiting adjunct Prof has created 
an app that compresses lectures, flunks
you gently, and “stars” texts
with micro-aggressions.

My roommate is working 
on an app that simulates 
conversation and doesn’t pay rent.

In the afternoon there’s been
an English Prof sighting,
the one who published 
The Book. 

Some smarty-pants has created 
a GPS app that tracks her 
            route through
the campus.

You can log-on and get a point
if you mark her breach
with a hash-tag.

She’s a myth, a legend, pre iPad,
like a giant golden mermaid.
Even the Admissions Department
rushes to the window, snaps selfies.

The incoming freshmen detach from
their screens to calibrate the virtual 
distance, thumb the coordinates,
stare into the abyss. 
Let’s land her!
They frantically search for available outlets;
they hoist their virtual harpoons.

Old White Guys from My Neighborhood: For P.C.

He’s never grabbed a
pussy, not even his wife’s. 

Picture the chaste bedroom,
silent, dark as the vestibule
of St. Theresa’s.
Sarah, in her Sears
nightgown, turns and reaches,
the coupling almost polite,
a quick-step before desire’s stoop.

Check. Check.

A whisper or two in the after, 
tomorrow’s chores, assurance
about the front door—
“Yes, I hooked the chain.”

Ed McManis is a Colorado lifer. (He remembers when I-25 was called “The Valley Highway.”) Ed is a writer, editor, and erstwhile Head of School. His work has appeared in more than 50 publications, including The Blue Road Reader, California Quarterly, Cathexis, Colorado North Review, etc. He, along with his wife, Linda, have published esteemed author Joanne Greenberg’s (I Never Promised You a Rose Garden) latest novel, Jubilee Year. Little known trivia fact: he holds the outdoor free-throw record at Camp Santa Maria: 67 in a row.

Janet Smith Post 

We Careful Women

The roads cross and divide here,
and just over there—unnoticed—is the house,
that now slants on all sides, but mostly backward,
like the past, that held the life of Seola,
who looked at us, when she came to town,
from behind dark eyes, that never spoke.

There, in that forgotten furrow, stands the plow,
where her husband’s hand once gripped,
the rusted curve of handle, and plowed the earth,
where Seola scattered hopeful seeds, 
then bent, slender as a stem, over the rows
to harvest food to set before their hunger,
at the table, where we were careful not to sit.
Alone in her woman’s life, like that purple coneflower
there on the margin of the goldenrods.

Janet Smith Post has published one collection of poetry, Eyes of the Heart, Glimpses of the Holy, and co-authored three children’s books: Barnyard Boogie, Jungle Beat, and Where Two Rivers Meet: The Story of Black Hawk and Larkin Gatewood Carter. Her novel Cotton Rockreceived accolades from the Chicago Sun Times and was read on National Public Radio’s Chapter-A-Day in Madison, Wisconsin. She has also composed over 40 songs to support reading readiness for children, and her CD Alphabet Songs won a Parents’ Choice Award.

Kathleen Willard


The seasons have changed and I long to walk through this one
with you like we did in summer breaking all the rules
the world imposes. Summer into fall,

I want to move through this new season.
You do not have to hold my hand or brush 
my bare shoulders or lift my dress 

and rub my thighs until I sigh like a cat
only amplify the invisible world.
Here in this row of cottonwoods,

this lake where osprey 
calls fish, with just a glance,
you name every living creature

that crossed our path 
flora and fauna
insects and amphibians, 

and birds just by their song, 
the entire gamut stunning 
me with the earth’s abundance.

We watch the clouds
clash with the spine of the Rockies.
Our laughter eaten by the wind.

I know those days are over
and we will never crash
into each other like two comets,

strayed from their trajectory,
but I am trying to parse out
the moment I was no longer beautiful to you, 

a declaration
made on a park bench above our arroyo.
Where just last week we walked

on a pier, a peninsula into the pond, 
the reeds like flaring sabers, 
like feathers in the wind,

engaged in mutual seduction.
When I was with you,
the world was never ordinary

and each step, a new discovery.
Here insects crawl out of the soil, 
newly hatched, wings still wet

and you tell me their name 
and particulars of their existence.
It is this that I want—

more walks in the park as you make a world visible,
acknowledging all around us
the universe is on fire.

Coyotes, in Orbit

You tell me I call in coyotes
each time I visit Santa Fe.
They travel up from the arroyo
hide in pinyon pines near the patio
and sing to me through the window
unnerving my dogs.
I have no wish to call coyotes in from the wild.
Their stammering voices welcome
the full moon riding edges of mountains.
I want to call you in, inside me,
instead you look away, head tilted  
toward the Milky Way, an impossible accountancy.
I have become a tiny star, pulsating
lost in a nebula, in a galaxy
so far away it would take you light years 
to hear my voice.

I tell you a story wasted on the wind,
one you will not hear.
Once walking the woods 
and next to a river, granite 
caressed the curves of my body.
I heard an exhalation, the breath
of a large animal so near 
it seemed to whisper in my ear.

And this is what I want.
The coyotes silent, the full moon
diminishing into the dark sky,
and you next to me, breathing 
in my ear.

Kathleen Willard’s  two books are Cirque & Sky, a series of pastorals and anti-pastorals set in the Rocky Mountain West, and This Incendiary Season, documenting her travels to India on a Fulbright-Hays Fellowship. She writes and publishes Occasional Papers, an online literary news magazine available for free by sending her an email. Her awards include Fulbright-Hays Fellowship, National Endowment of the Humanities Grant, Colorado Creative Industries Career Development Grant, ACC Writer’s Studio Award, three Pushcart Prize nominations, scholarships to attend Vermont Studio Center twice, Breckenridge Creative Arts Artist-in-Residence Program, Disquiet International Literary Program in Lisbon, Portugal, and the Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference twice.